His weapon of choice: fel
Is literally inside his body.
It’s also effected his soul too.
He’s technically a demon iirc.
He bleeds demon blood.
I don’t doubt that she had her own plans for Illidan, ones that he himself stopped from ever happening.
From what we know of so far it seems Illidan is done and went away to be Sargeras’ jailer.
We’ll have to wait and see if he plays any part in the conflict with the void, but I predict that he probably won’t.
I wouldn’t bet that much seeing as the Titans are coming to Azeroth come ‘The Last Titan’, giving a perfect excuse for Illidan to be around. Realistically I expect some sort of all-hands on situation (possibly a confrontation with the Titans themselves) where we get every major character still alive coming in, probably Sylvanas and Illidan included. I can only hope Kael’thas somehow magics his way back, but that’s just an insanity note from me.
Except that if you’re rich enough you can buy your way out of it. That issue caused more than one riot during the Civil War. To the point that Lincoln had to invoke martial law.
It sharply defined economic lines during Vietnam as the rich bought excemptions for their sons by sending them to college.
I get you now. I thought you might’ve been making an “Illidan so buff” joke (I’ve seen a few on the forum).
I think if she had any other plans for Illidan as a Champion of the Light, they were “defeat other things that were going to destroy the cosmos”. Since Turalyon and Lothraxion were able to challenge her - even on Light-related matters, he’d be autonomous.
P.S (Just in case) I only brought up things like the draft for analogies and discussions about servitude and duty.
Analogies for related topics (Vietnam War? Addendum; I saw Drah comments, didn’t notice them first as I have them on ignore)
All good, the way you brought it up made sense within the conversation. We were talking about things like mandatory service or forced labor being akin to slavery, so bringing up the draft makes sense as an analogy.
Drah was just trying to ‘Um ackshully ’ me over something of little relevance by taking something I said out of context, which seems to be an annoying habit of theirs on the forum.
We weren’t even talking about the Vietnam war, just drafts as a concept in general, not even specifically tied to the US.
When how they are enforced, who they are inflicted upon, differs depends on economic, racial, and ethnic factors, that puts a whole 'nother spin on it.
She tried cuz she had a vision ( prophecy) that only illidan could save the world against the legion and much more( the void).
And to make that vision a reality she tried to convert illidan by force, but she was weak, perhaps by being just reassembled but at that moment she was weaker than illidan and he blasted her into pieces, in an attempt to free himself from her grasp.
So yeah she is stupid and arrogant. She cluld not see that she was not that strong or that he could resist her.
Most of which don’t apply here on the topic of morality of mandatory labor relating to this thread.
Agree with everything else you said in that comment, just wanted to say that good point about jury duty (I hadn’t thought of that one).
You’re right about her needing Illidan in line with a prophecy about cosmic threats. She wasn’t expecting Illidan to refuse, and Xe’ra might be able to see the future, but she couldn’t see Illidan’s plot armor.
There’s a lot of criticisms to levy at Illidan but I don’t think Plot-armor is one of them. Bro has consistently been a heavy hitter, but still shown to take his L’s - even if both of his big ones (Arthas and us, the players) were later re-contextualized to explain it away partially.
Yes. (But also I’m a big fan of this meme format and just wanted to let you know I appreciate it)
While it seems like an L, there’s more to it. In that cinematic, Illidan’s eyebeams scratch a Pit Lord, who proceeds to knock Illidan on his butt despite Illidan being a demon killing specialist. Those same eye-beams later one-shot Xe’ra, who is not a demon. And Illidan does so in front of a literal army of her followers, but only one attacks him over killing their leader.
Sounds like plot armor to me.
A weak personal attack attempting to frame calling out plot holes as obsession. Got any counterarguments instead?
Yes, I do. I occasionally check your comments if the thread shows you replied in case it’s relevant to the thread.
I made a counter argument to your delusional claims about Xera.
Xera is a Character of that Plot. You act as if she exists outside the plot.
She was written that way.
Same as she was written as a detestable shrew, and her destruction was cheered by most of the Playerbase.
Xera does not get more hate than she deserves. She gets the appropriate amount of hate as designed. You seem to miss that she is a Character in a Story designed by Developers. She isn’t a real creature.
No - I am pointing out that your perverse obsession ignores the lore, and that the lore is designed a certain way by the Devs.
It is not a “Plot Hole” just because you don’t like the outcome, and you wish Xera was designed as a totally different character. You just label events you dislike as “plot holes.”
Don’t really think so. Those L’s (specifically the one against Arthas) didn’t make full sense in the first place. Tens of thousands year old Demon Hunter lost to a young prince, before his full merge with Nerzhul and donning of the Crown of Domination? Kind of crazy, even with the boost he received at the Throne. Illidan having an explanation of being run ragged prior to it makes sense. Illidan being exhausted of all his power prior to the fight with us was a bit unnecessary though, but I guess it’suseful to establish him as such a heavy hitter that he can be one of the top dogs able to interact with Sargeras in any meaningful manner.
What a good cinematic. Legion was such a good expansion, dang. And Illidan man, just straight money. I need to hear Liam O’Brien voicing him again.
Sure, but by that point both Illidan had gained a massive power-up (by draining the skull of NU-Guldan once again) and Xe’ra had literally just been reformed. Not a far shot to say she was more fragile and he was juiced to the gills.
Who else is gonna attack this dude who’s been hailed and accepted as the guy when it comes to fighting demons lmao. Turalyon is prob the only guy who could conceivably even try to pull it off. You want Velen to suddenly show a violent streak he never has?
I don’t really have a problem with that. Illidan at the time was still pretty much more a magic man than a melee man. And Arthas was an empowered Death Knight who had been trained by Lordaeron’s best, including Uther himself, who was no slouch in combat. And he was wielding Frostmourne, a weapon more than equal to Illidan’s glaives.