Sylvanas is probably one of the most hated characters in WoW.
It’s just a force of nature, it doesn’t really have a will of ‘good’ or ‘evil’ as far as we know.
Just as gravity isn’t ‘good’ or ‘evil,’ it simply just is.
This is wrong.
In fact, the lore from the Warcraft 3 era specifically states that the Nelves are the only race to worship ‘Gods.’
The only time there has ever been any semblance of a God along the lines of Christianity would be War1, which was retconned out of the lore by War2.
As I said before, it’s simply a force of nature.
What people do with it is up to them, whether they use it for health or harm.
And that was retconned out by War2, it’s been a looooong time since then.
No use dwelling over it now.
In War2 there still was no tie to Christianity or any ‘God’ as was seen in War1.
They borrowed aesthetics from Christian Europe, but that’s about it.
The Naaru themselves can be considered angelic, but they’re very different from angles.
Through the interpretations of the Draenei they could be considered similar to angles within Jewish belief, but the similarities aren’t too present.
Beyond the belief of the Draenei, the Naaru themselves are simply elemental beings.
Okay, I don’t really care about what happened in the past.
I’m mostly trying to understand your thought in the now.
‘He said, she said’ forum politics don’t interest me all that much.
To me, you’re a clean slate until I personally see otherwise.
And to be entirely clairvoyant, I’ve had a couple less than positive interactions with you before.
But I reserve any judgement on your character for now.
I’m not even going to bother reading all that nonsense, I’m gonna be entirely honest.
That being said, from my current understanding you DO NOT believe that the Light is a stand-in for IRL Christianity.
You seem to think there are very vague similarities, but that’s about it.
You DO seem to believe that the Light represents ‘good’ within the Warcraft universe.
For that, we do not agree, and the personification of the Light as a force of ‘good’ has long been retconned out of the lore (since at least WoW).
Now, you used a lot of fluffy language around those parts which makes me skeptical…
Am I understanding you correct?