Was Xe'ra good or evil?

Calm yourself Tha… Étel it was not I who said that you are an alt, I just looked over your post history and it seems to collaborate with that theory.

Jokes aside it really don’t matter if you and thadeus are the same person, at least for me, I debate with ideas, and as of now yours and his are one and the same.

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Doubtful but you do you. Just found that the responses were uncanny is all.

I don’t actually care either way :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sadly, they might come after you later anyway for the “crime” of partially agreeing with me on the issue of Xe’ra (maybe Onotay better watch out as well, they might go after them too).

On that note, do you think Xe’ra’s really dead? Some say she could just go back to some sort of “Lightlands” and be reborn, but wouldn’t putting the pieces of her in Netherlight Crucible interfere with that? I don’t think that her return would necessitate getting those pieces (even disregarding Blizzard’s potential cop-out of using an AU version aside, which is held back by plot holes)

Sorry her idea of a “power up” was to make him as much of a useless drone as she had her Army.

And that line “I have traded my freedom for power before.”

That whole exchange is so boss that it bears reposting here.

Xera’s offer is nothing more than another Faustian bargain for a soul. And refusing such bargains are the stuff that heroes are made of.


She was never truly alive… She was an artificial construct which had been dissasembled for a long period of time but Illidan burned out her pieces which were used to empower the Vindicator… She’s not coming back from that.

There’s probably however an AU version of her driving the Light’s Dessication of Draenor.

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  1. Wrong. Their vessel was shot down, but they were still providing the majority of resources and troops while on Argus, thus were not decimated. If they were, the fact remains they still provided more resources than anyone else there, including Illidan and his Illidari.
  2. Turalyon’s message was a desperate attempt to prevent defeat, meaning defeat hadn’t happened.
  3. See the first point.
  4. See the first point, plus I’d say Xe’ra was adaptable given that message with her crystal and working with PCs who aren’t Light worshippers despite her supposed single-mindedness. She even had mages among the Army of the Light (even though mages draw on Arcane/Order).

His message preambled with “If you’re viewing this… we’re pretty much all screwed.”

She wa anything BUT adaptable. She pursued her aims with the inflexibility of a Terminator.

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Thadeus doesn’t have an echo chamber here so he made one :rofl:


No, the permeable was more “this is our last shot”; that’s not defeat. Not yet.

Have you watched anything from Terminator recently? Those robots are very adaptable (Xe’ra too, to a lesser degree).

It will all depend on Blizzard, whether or not there is a realm of Light, where their entities are sent when they are killed in the physical world.

I think this is a very big possibility of happening, along with a possible Pantheon of Light.

I’m wary of the writers going the “Lightlands” route, because last time that route happened, we got Shadowlands.

I seriously don’t understand all the Shadowlands hate.

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Xe’ra was a lot of things, flexible wasn’t one of them. She was going to lightforge Illidan regardless of his wishes. Her getting fel lasered to death was the result of that inflexibility of hers

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The Terminators also got destroyed in every film (heroic ones too, except in T5); doesn’t mean they weren’t adaptable.

They were still evil killing machines though. Being adaptable doesn’t mean your programming suddenly stops

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The point is they were adaptable, Xe’ra too; adaptable isn’t unbeatable.

The point is, Xe’ra deserved everything that happened to her

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I disagree. On the note of Terminators, you said they’re evil killing machines; was Arnie’s Terminator in the second film evil? Or the third? If they’re just robots following programming, are they evil? If that was all Xe’ra is (according to some fans, it is), could that really be said of her?

He was an anomaly and the not the norm. One good machine doesn’t make the rest good

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It does mean they’re not all evil. Though made by Skynet to kill humans, their programming was all they knew or could know; they had as much free will as a vacuum cleaner (though some of the more advanced Terminators could be set to become self-aware), and Skynet was evil, though some works have flip-flopped on that.