Was Xe'ra good or evil?

She may have been doing something that is illegal in the army of the light I’ll give you that. Still the void is no longer the worst or better than the light hust a different fount of energy/power. Like death light life order.

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The Light only answers the call of people who believe they are doing good. The only times the Light can be used for evil is if either you have a captive Naaru you’re using as a battery or if you have a very twisted idea of “good”.
Meanwhile simply using the Void causes malevolent entities to start whispering half-truths into your mind and slowly distort your perception of reality until you are a warped mindslave of the Void’s will.

I’m going to say that Light is objectively better.


Though limited, Xe’ra did speak with Illidan before attempting the Lightforging.

Lightforging would’ve just swapped his Fel for Light; it wouldn’t have changed his mind nor was it intended to. They literally had the same goals, at worst they disagreed on the best weapon to use.

She also never complained about some of our player characters being, for example, Death Knights, shadow priests or warlocks. So there was no “forcing of will” there. We can also stop doing Xe’ra’s quest chain at anytime with no negative consequences in-universe or out - we can proceed to do nothing after putting Light’s Heart in our class order hall - so there was no “forcing of will” there either.

That doesn’t fit for me, because the veggies are nutritious, and the lack of veggies in a diet can cause sickness.

Children can get all manner of illness if they do not hav proper nutrition. It can have a deleterious effect if a parent lets their child avoid veggies.

There was no deleterious effect in rejecting the Light. He would have been the same.

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There were some deleterious effects of his fel consumption and addiction to magic. I also contend there’d be no deleterious effects if he’d accepted the Light.

You are reading what was happening in a kinda one sided manner.

Xe’ra: Your true potential, your redemption lies before you.
Energies of light flow from Xe’ra and encircle Illidan.
Xe’ra: Let go of your shattered form and embrace the light’s power.
Illidan backs up as he sees the light energies becoming stronger.
Illidan Stormrage: I’ve traded my freedom for power before.
Xe’ra: The prophecy… must be fulfilled.
Illidan attempts to retreat, but the light energies swiftly bind him. He is brought closer to Xe’ra while struggling to free himself.
Xe’ra: Your old life has passed. The Light will forge you a new one.
Illidan Stormrage: It is not yours to take!
Xe’ra: The Light will heal your scars.
Illidan’s demon hunter tattoos are shown to be “filling up” with Light. Illidan responds in a distorted voice.
Illidan Stormrage: I am my scars!
Xe’ra: The Light is your destiny.
Illidan Stormrage: My destiny is my own!

Xe’ra literally would not take no for an answer, because she could not take no for an answer. Also “Your old life has passed. The Light will forge you a new one” kinda does sound like he wouldn’t of been the same person if she had managed to finish what she wanted to do.


The point remains - a lack of veggies can have a deleterious effect.

The lack of light forging did not have a deleterious effect- he remains as he was.

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The dude was literally warped into a half-demon by fel energies that pushed him towards his most violent and decadent desires. The dude was already VERY sick


You left out some of the earlier lines.

Xe’ra: Illidan. From birth, the light in your eyes held such promise for the future.
Illidan’s mind flashes back to the War of the Ancients, during which Sargeras burned out his eyes and replaced them with demonic ones.
Illidan Stormrage: I sacrificed that birthright long ago.
Xe’ra: Do you not wish to reclaim what was lost? To be whole again?
Illidan Stormrage: The Legion’s end… is all I seek.
Xe’ra: My child. You have given so much, for so little.
Illidan glares, while Xe’ra continues.

Those words “Your old life has passed. The Light will forge you a new one.” were ceremonial, nothing more. She said the same words while Lightforging Turalyon in the canon short story “A Thousand Years of War” (page 14) and he was the same person afterward (bold added by me for emphasis)

“I will serve the Light until my dying day. This I swear."
So the Light shall bless you. Take a moment to prepare.
Alleria gently grasped Turalyon’s hands. His palms were down; hers, up. They stood face-to-face, the Light shining down on them both.
“Are you nervous?” she asked.
Turalyon smiled. “I am.”
The gentle murmur of Xe’ra’s presence surrounded them. Your old life has passed. The Light will forge you a new one.
“I am ready, Xe’ra.”
The Light descended upon him. Alleria could feel Turalyon’s pulse, thumping evenly but strongly. His hands began to grip hers tightly. His skin grew warmer to the touch.
“I will see you on the other side, my love,” Alleria said.
The Light delved into him. He did not flinch. Xe’ra’s words filled the silence.
The Light will grant you wisdom. The Light will heal your scars. The Light will show you your destiny.


That doesn’t prove my points wrong either.

And he was a magic addict beforehand who went to join the Burning Legion - a genocidal demon army - out of magic addiction and envy of his brother. While he had potential, he let his issues get the better of him before he got the Fel crack pipe.

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I still contend you are reading this with a personal bias due to your RL convictions. Which tends to be a thing with you anytime the Light shows up.

What I see there is she attempted to convince him, but when he said no she tried to go full authoritarian and force the matter… and got fel lasered for it.


Low-quality personal attack, which I make no effort to retaliate against.

If that’s what you saw in lore, I suggest re-reading it.


That’s odd.


Kind of figured he was agreeing with himself on an alt of his. The response is uncanny :stuck_out_tongue:


Hmmm if that so, he is a Brazilian like me, oh no maybe I’m in danger of crossing with him in real life :rofl::rofl:

Edit: just got a look over etel’s history of posts and he is quite suspicious since almost everything he posts are about illidan light and xe’ra hmmmmm


And it was sus that him and Thad were quick to dismiss your personal experience and how it affects how we view things


Like kel’thuzad said
" the dreadlords must not be trusted!"


Dreadlords after successfully completing their mission :stuck_out_tongue:


I noticed that… seemed odd.

At first I figured maybe their bible school taught them the same responses to internet arguments. I didn’t think Thad would pull out a whole Alt sock puppet to agree with himself.

Maybe… as Thad likes to say… I gave him too much credit.


I’m not anyone’s alt. I may be new here, but not to the WoW forums in general.

We’re two different people. It is possible for more than one person to have views you disagree with.

I’ve never been to the Americas, and outside your stereotyping, Etel’s said nothing to suggest he’s a Christian.