Was Xe'ra good or evil?

Your response is lacking and an attempt to deflect from your hypocrisy.


Low-quality personal attack, which I make no effort to retaliate against.

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Do you understand that this wasn’t a thing until Thadeus decided that Blizzard’s portrayal of the Light was an attack on his personal religion? He then expanded his enemy list to anyone who expressed an opinion contrary to his absolutist beliefs.


Claiming a personal attack is made when no attack against your person has been issued. An attempt to deflect using misrepresentation in an attempt to elicit sympathy.

Very lacking.


I don’t think he does, otherwise he wouldn’t have made the comment that he did

I didn’t follow this conversation and my previous comment has no relation to this.

That was the objective. But alas OP has no emotions. Lacks required empathy. It’s habitutal.

“Context is the matter of kings”


And people wonder why gay men often struggle to share their experiences with others. Because of stuff like this, where they’re almost immediately dismissed by a certain sect of people

It’s sad.


If emotions can help you see the other side of things why not? Its not like you don’t feel any kind of emotions when talking about warcraft or otherwise you would not be here.
Wasting your time writing in a forgotten forum for those who love this franchise.

And I just brought it up cuz all logical and in universe examples given by veryone else in this thread was immediately cast aside for reasons no one knows, so if logic and facts can’t reach why not try with a example or emotions? But you are entitled to think as you wish.


I also believe that you have the right to think differently than me and I respect your opinion, that’s why I didn’t offend you or impose anything on you, I just expressed my opposite position.

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Are you saying it’s okay for personal aspects to color his position, but it wouldn’t be okay if the same - hypothetically speaking - applied to me?

Wrong; I gave several facts for my reasoning unrelated to anything in real-life.

You’re doing what you accuse me of, but for the opposite side. Worse, you claim a relativist/subjectivist position while making objectivist statements and assumptions.

I would consider her to be almost objectively on the side of good actually.

“But she tried to force the light on Illidan!”

Yeah because literally the entire universe was at stake and she had the power to give the “chosen one” a huge power-up and by extension give the Army of Light a desperately needed advantage. She wasn’t about to let Illidan sabotage the entire operation just because he wanted to be a little edgelord about it.

I always interpreted that scene as being closer to a mother trying to get a fussy child to eat their veggies, except in this scenario the child has a glock and shot their mom over it.


And she was wrong. Illidan didn’t need a power up as proven when we defeated the legion with his help regardless


I’ve been saying for ages that Rejection of the Gift reeekd of edgelord power fantasy. The fact that one of Xe’ra’s titles was “Light MOTHER” was like the cherry on top for proof.

It’s the cinematic version of a kid in high school drawing an idealized version of themselves graphically murdering their teacher because they hate school and/or the teacher.

It’s also possible that even if Xe’ra seemed lacking in compassion, well… she’d literally spent millennia fighting an army of demons trying to destroy the universe and seeing countless innocents get slaughtered by them along the way. That sort of hardship would have an impact on anyone. You think that might be why she seemed a hardliner compared to other Naaru?

And yet after rejecting Lightforging, what did Illidan contribute to the war effort that others didn’t?

There were more Army of the Light troops than Illidari. He didn’t do anything that Velen, Alleria and Turalyon - to name a few - didn’t also do (apart from killing Xe’ra). The Titans didn’t need his help imprisoning Sargeras, he just chose to stay.

Besides, he always said “sometimes the hand of fate must be forced”; in a way, Xe’ra agreed with that.



No Thad. Nothing I said can even remotely be interpreted as that by anyone reading my posts with even a thin veneer of rational thought.

I give up. I cannot get through to you.

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Your comparison is flawed…
A child has no cognition to understand that he/she need those veggies or otherwise can get sick.
Illidan on the other hand has, he knew exacly what was at stake.

And even to a child a good mom will explain first " baby you need to eat X cuz it will make you healthy" and if the child does not* yet understand you can have a number of resources other than use of FORCE.
( masking the veggies with food the child likes, prepare it in a manner that it is more palatable to the child) Xe’ra NEVER took a moment to deep breath and talk.
“Hey chosen one let us chat, let me explain to you what is at stake and what I can do to help us defeat the legion, maybe it will be necessary to lightforge you, are you alright with that? Can we start the process? If no how can we work together to ensure the legion defeat?”
Seeing that we defeat the legion and a fallen titan without her help just fine, so yeah we could have worked together without the whole mindwashing process of lightforging ppl against their will.
She just forced herself and her will upon anyone who does not agree with her.

See alleria being locked up for using the void.

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Yeah but it would have been a lot easier and far less uncertain if Illidan had just not been a baby about it. Why take the risk?


Yeah Alleria was messing with the most corruptive and malevolent energy known to exist. Even if she could “control it” (something a lot of people have claimed and been very wrong about btw). Just by existing she was a danger to the light and everyone who used it.

Alleria created a giant void rift which could have consumed Silvermoon whole just by being near the Sunwell. And it would have had we not already been there by pure coincidence to help close it. I think that little event vindicated Xe’ra’s reaction to Alleria a thousand times over.


I just asked a clarifying question, I wasn’t accusing you of anything.

That happened on the Xenedar, a warship that Xe’ra owned. Xe’ra has every right to decide what is and isn’t allowed on her own ship/in her own home. Illidan being Lightforged wouldn’t endanger everyone around him, Alleria using Void does.

To use an analogy, if someone brought radioactive waste on a warship during wartime - endangering themselves and those around them, doesn’t the captain of the ship have a right and duty to discipline that person?

Also, Alleria compromised with Turalyon and Lothraxion about Alleria. She warned Alleria that the Void was dangerous, when Alleria persisted despite that she got angry, but compromised at the behest of Lothraxion and Turalyon.

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