Was WOW token good for the player base overall

Its not pay 2 win. none of you have yet to prove it to me lol

Cope cope cope

Disagree. There is no such thing as Pay to Win. Call it for what it is you are paying for POWER and thatā€™s not a guarantee of a win. Skill and teamwork matter. The P2W term is an oxymoronic term if there ever was one.

And it goes to show you cant.

saying cope isint going to some how magically make it change ether

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The word funnel exists ā€¦ because there are gear guarantees ā€¦ lots of carries offer them. Lots of them also repeat whatever you were carried doing ā€¦ in case you donā€™t get what you want.

Donā€™t care what you think.

I mean you can buy mount achievement carries, you can buy high ilvl epics from market place wirh money. I could dump 1k in game right now and fully gear up all my toons in max epic geae

Exactly, you didnā€™t win.

Hate to break it to you, but Pay to Win has a set definition. In practice it means being able to open your wallet and get an advantage over players who do not.

Diablo Immortal is a classic example of pay to win, because you can never get to the same level as the whales who open their wallets and spend thousands of dollars as a free player, itā€™s just never going to happen. Star Citizen is another example of pay to win, because you can buy massive ships and items to equip on those ships if you are willing to open your wallet. Hell, in that game there is the ā€˜Legatus Packā€™ which costs a whopping $27,000 and you can only see that pack after youā€™ve spend at least $1000 on the store.

If you and I both go into a mythic raid, as the same class and spec, you paying for a carry and me having earned my spot and we both walk out with the same loot, you have no advantage over me. So you have gained ā€˜nothingā€™ by opening your wallet.

Thatā€™s where your argument that WoW is pay to win falls flat on its face, because anyone, literally anyone can reach the same level you do, in the exact same amount of time, without spending a dime of their own cash. Hell, if RNG is on their side and not yours, they will actually have an advantage over you, which is the complete opposite of what a pay to win system is supposed to do.

For all your childish rage, you clearly forgot the most basic principles of what a pay to win system is.

Be better.


Cool. what you care about and what you dont doesnt change hard facts my dude.

its not pay 2 win lol

So you can buy RIGHT NOW FULL mythic raid gear?

So me buying a wow token the using thst to instantly gear my toon in epics isnt paying for progression over somebody that doesnt?

There are a hundred threads you can search with thousands of posts that prove without doubt that what you are spewing isnā€™t true, or the majority opinion of wow forum posters.

Right now if i lit money diwn i could pay to increase my characters ilvl with just gold

i promise you the majority opinion is that they are not pay 2 win

This guy ā€¦ thinks opinions are hard facts. Bro ā€¦ invest in a dictionary.

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So buying crafted gear is now pay 2 win?


Except, your promises, just like your opinions are worthless.

You are correct you are paying for progression. Thatā€™s not gonna make you win automatically.

I am sorry but you are super bad faith and i just feel like you are trolling for attention. Like i cant beleive you are trying to wiggle around the fact that you can pay for wow tokens and use it in gsme for power progression.

But its a fact. there not

All that means is that there are hundreds of threads made by delusional idiots who donā€™t understand what pay to win actually is.

Iā€™ve been around long enough to know what a pay to win system actually looks like. I was around when the term was coined for the first time.

Get on my level or get off my lawn.

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