Was WOW token good for the player base overall

No you havent so ill ask you yet again.

point me where i can totally remove the RNG aspect of wow. RNG ← read this carefully.

where i can negate that and get gear

I know right? It’s amazing how people just make up their own definition for what words mean.

you cant, but you can keep paying until you win the rng

pay to win

if your personal defintion of pay2win means rng cant be involved thats an issue of cope and not of actual pay2win


Girls Girls, you’re both ugly as sin but you don’t have to take it out on each other.

It’s not pay to win, but RNG does not matter in a pay to win situation

so your saying that buying a carry.

still isint pay 2 win?

my dude i can just sell a bunch of enchants right now on the auction house at like 3k a pop and buy a carry super easily.

wow tokens are about as pay2win as professions are

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It is p2w by most peoples definition

Just ignore Liz. Trying so desperately to trap you into a little bottle where she wins. She is obviously aware it’s a bad faith argument. She doesn’t want to discuss the situation. She wants to brow beat you into accepting her terms.

Well it does considering its complketely negating the point of hte argument

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P2W is using real life money, if you earn the gold in game and buy a boost its not pay to win

iv already won.

everyone who comes in here and asks why has alreayd won.

none of you can answer it. none of you. not one of you can prove why its pay 2 win

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You don’t have an argument. You have a broken record player of endless half truths and lies.

becuae you cant prove it despite the fact iv asked for the proof so many times.

Idk if you are trolling

I can very easily. It meets my personal requirements for classifying it as P2W. There, done deal. It’s P2W

im not. none of you can prove it. its stupid the ammount of people who keep having this conversation because its not pay 2 win.

I just proved it.

You need to make an argument to why paying for power progression isnt p2w

Yep, and that’s not P2W.

Buying a token and then buying the carry? P2W.

Just because you have means of obtaining the money to purchase a carry doesn’t mean that there’s no P2W scenario. 95% of P2W games have a way for you to obtain anything and everything without spending money while offering a much more convenient route in the form of real money.

We’ve proven it. You just won’t accept it. That’s not our problem, my friend.

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We can all have our own thoughts and opinions on the matter. Nobody needs your approval or anything else.

I have.

where does paying for a carry completely negate the RNG aspect of the game. iv asked this many times and nobody has answered it because you cant.

paying for a carry does NOT guarantee you gear.