Was WOW token good for the player base overall

Opinions are not facts. Please learn.

yes my argument defeats yours there fore i am trolling.



But for the people who didn’t pay for a carry and have far inferior loot than the person who paid for the carry? That’s a different story.

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Yea so p2w to most people doesnt mean win the game, most people see it as paying for an advantage over not paying the gold. Its judt easier to say p2w.

Didn’t they just make buying boosts even with in-game gold against the rules?

iv asked so many times to prove to me how it is. you cant. i honestly dont think you know anything really

It doesn’t matter because the majority can be dead wrong. Consensus does not equal realty. If you can’t see reality that’s your problem and its a doozy of a problem.

You are not even buying the currency from Blizzard. You buy the token and a player has to buy that token with earned in game gold. It’s all player run, Blizzard just gets some money out of it.

Now if Blizzard directly sold us gold, then yeah, the pay to win argument would be more valid.

The true P2W definition would be more like what the other WoW does. World of Warships. You pay cash for top tier ships and stuff and can enjoy end game as a brand new player. Nothing passes through other players, no RNG, just money to go straight to end game. That is P2W.

Never gonna happen, they made 5.6 billion off it last year. It’s where 100% of their year over year profits come from.

Sorry but just because your arguement wins without arguing any point succesfully doesnt make it true, its kind of like putting your fingers in your ears and yelling i win, which is why i suspect you are either challenged or you are trolling. So i will stop responding to you

none of you have yt to prove to me where i can buy full mythic raid gear with out subjecting my self to wows horrendous gear RNG

It is imo.

Someone can drop 100 bucks on tokens and then turn around and buy gear with the gold. That’s p2w.
And if anyone says “oh who would do that?” Whales. The same people who drop 500 bucks a month in other mmo’s shops, the same ppl who drop thousands a year on f2p games, and so on.

Just because you don’t think it’s reasonable, or because you find gold so easy to make, doesn’t mean everyone else agrees or is the same.

Buy gear where.

Just because there is a second step doesnt mean its not p2w lol. What kind of mental gymnastics are you pulling.

I don’t understand how tokens enter into it, aside from the fact that it facilitates payment for in-game gold going to a player in exchange for game services in a secured way instead of just being unregulated chaos going to scummy third-party companies and scammers.

If there were no tokens, people still could and would pay for gold either through unsupported black markets or shady third-party providers. They did before tokens existed, and they do now even though tokens exist.

If you want to rabble against something, rabble against:

  • The ability to buy crafted high-level gear instead of it being BOP
  • The ability to pay for carries, which Blizzard was going to disallow but walked back because Mike Ybarra’s guild sells carries

Tokens existing doesn’t change that those things exist, only that a player gets the benefit instead.


P2W is just a ridiculous term and the more people say it over and over they start to believe it’s true and it’s not. It becomes this delusion, never fulfilled prophecy of sorts.

The token has been a rock around the neck of those of us who enjoyed “playing the AH” as a significant part of the game. Blizzard continuously attempts to lower prices on items by getting their own “bots” (volunteers, employees) to drop prices of items that take time to gather, to WORTHLESS rates. They seem to work actively @ ruining every aspect of this game and have done a very good job @ THAT.

Lets all wake up eh. You think loading into that BG into what seems like a premade every game 

People can buy gear on the ah
they can buy gear runs
etc etc.
It all falls under the umbrella of pay to win if paying money can put you at a massive/noticeable advantage over others gear/power wise.

Its easier than saying wow token makes it so players can skip power progression and gear progression. You are aruing semantics pointless