Was WOW token good for the player base overall

The gold don’t come from Blizz, it’s all a player run economy

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you havent answered anything other than spout non-sense lol.

where does buying a carry. completely remove the RNG aspect of loot in mythics and raids.

iv asked you this like 30 times now and im starting to think you ahve absolutely no idea what your talking about

We share different dedinitions of p2w. My definition is being able to pay for player power.

Liizzy obviously sells carries, and doesn’t want anything to change. Every time one of these threads open, the same is true.

You’re isn’t the one true definition of p2w. it’s the one you try to push to protect your profit margins.

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since when did pay to win mean no rng? this is so weird, such an absurd argument and im baffled how u people can seriously sit there and say somethign isnt pay to win because rng is involved. such a weird weird way to deflect the argument

wow is pay to win
simple as that
if u cant understand that then youre just coping


i now challange you to open up that cash shop and find me every single boosting bonuse i can buy from EXP gain to bonuse loot drops.

please show me

And if you get nothing because RNG is not in your favour?

Which is more likely than ever now that all raid loot is need before greed, which removes the ability to raid stack and guarantee items.

What exactly have you ‘won’ if you walk away with nothing but gold at the end of the carry you paid a ton of gold for?

my guy i got to 250 on a paladin tank in shadowlands what makes you think im selling carries.

ive asnwered u every time

your weird personal defintion of pay to win which excludes rng ways to get the gear doesnt mean its not pay to win lmao

if u cant understand that then idk wat to tel u man lol youre simply wrong

You pay for a spot, and get the item you want if it drops.

It is still pay to win, even if your luck is bad and very well could be. You would not got that spot or chance if you did not buy it.

Like I said I am not sure why we arguing this.

You just went against your own definition. You are paying for POWER not a win. Skill and teamwork matter in this game to win. Power is just one factor and not a guarantee of a win.

you didnt win, you lost the dice roll, pay again for another chance at the dice roll

keep paying until u win the dice roll

I think what’s especially funny about this entire conversation is that, just about any other community would 100% designate the WoW token as P2W. Hell, Path of Exile’s community considers extra storage space to be a P2W concept.

WoW players truly live in a constant state of denial.

you havent.

iv asked you so many times to tell me where i can get completely RNG free access to mythic raid gear and i have yet to see you actually prove that other than “but wow tokens” which isint what im asking at all

From my point of view, Benefits:

  • I don’t have to pay cash money for my subscriptions, someone else pays it in exchange for the gold that I earn, saving me $30 a month in exchange for time spent on activities that I’d be doing anyway
  • Blizzard gets an extra $5 a month from someone for my subscriptions as opposed to me paying cash
  • Gold sellers and scammers have their market undercut, making it somewhat less profitable for them to hack the accounts and payment methods of their buyers resulting in less account loss


  • It irritates people for some reason that someone can buy the gold that they use to pay to people to carry them through content with cash instead of farming it, even when really all that’s happening is that the gold is being bought from another player in the game instead of from a scummy third party who will then turn around and steal their credit card info

Boosting would still exist without tokens. Gold buying would still exist without tokens. The only difference is that it would be fly-by-night scam companies getting the benefit instead of other players.

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Its a definition difference. Some people take p2w quite literally while most people not huffing copium think it means paying money to skip progression or for power

You two live in more denial than anyone else on this forum and its hilarious

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Yea i just think your definition is disconnected from most mmorpg players definition of p2w. You can agree that you can pay money to get carried to to get achievement that is what most people think is p2w

i answered u, you just refuse to acept the answer because youre desperate to see wow as some shining beacon of perfection

you know its pay to win
you know this
its so obvious
but you dont want it to be true
so you use weird non-arguments that are nothing more than cope

actually no i take that back its very sad

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