Was WOW token good for the player base overall

The cope is real. Gotta keep shifting those goalposts I guess.

For the record, I don’t care if WoW has the WoW token, but anyone who can actually sit here with a straight face and tell me that paying for a mythic carry that guarantees you a loot drop (and most assuredly there will always be something in a mythic raid that drops for you to use, even if it’s not BiS) isn’t P2W is huffing unprecedented amounts of copium.

1 piece of loot.

so like any standard raid? how exactly is that pay 2 win

the game is pay2win thansk to the wow token

cope cope cope

your arguments are pure cope

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u pay

u win


What cope.

your comparing a mobile game that is designed around the cash shop in order to tempt you to buy more by nerfing littarly aspect of the game where wow is not.

i dont know why your even trying to compare these two games

Wow token is excellent. Especially since it adds zero gold inflation to the game unlike bots which print pure gold and return nothing.

Please come back, you are lost in the influencer " P2W " matrix

Yep. Tokens have benefitted me so I like them.

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Should i drop you the definition of pay 2 win are you going to ignore that

please, please tell me your personally acceptable definition of pay to win

if ur able to pay and then win the game, the game is pay2win

I’m just using your logic. You’re not guaranteed what you need in Diablo Immortal either because of RNG, so I guess it’s not P2W.

Wow is pay 2 win, not sure why we argue this.

If you can buy gold, and get carried through for chance of gear. It is still paying money for gear, even if rng is not on your side.

But you can still get the loot by buying a slot.

It is common sense. Even asmongold admits it is p2w.

pay 2 win is opening up the shop and buying the gear right off the cash shop.

which you cant do.

again buying a carry does not guarantee you gear.

Your not using my logic.

your comparing two totally different games with two totally different cash shops.

if anything your making your self look dumber by saying wow is any where NEAR diablo immortals levle of pay 2 win

thats a weirdly specific form of pay to win that does not in any way count all pay to win games out there

youre shifting the goalposts
because you know youre wrong
but youre desperate to defend this game bc u have some weird attachment to it


Except that RNG being what it is, there’s no guarantee of getting any loot.

And with raid loot specifically being Need before Greed now, it’s also impossible to stack the raid to guarantee specific pieces of loot dropping from bosses.

So yeah, you -could- do all of that, and then walk away with nothing but gold from each boss. What exactly have you ‘won’ in that situation?

not at all iv told you the exact same argument eveyr single time.

your also just copying and pasting that one dudes argument.

once agian i BEG YOU to find me where i can get mythic/raid gtear completely RNG free

So that makes all gold if used to get carries pay to win then, correct? Even if I earn it without tokens?

and thats where your entire argument fails



if you dont want to believe this bc of ur personally acceptable defintino of pay to win thats a personal issue darling and im afraid to tell you ur wrong

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I don’t think it is. I think P2W is a spectrum and Diablo Immortal and WoW both exist on the far opposite sides of that spectrum.

But you said mythic carries don’t grant you unabated access to the gear you need and it doesn’t guarantee a drop. The same is applicable to Diablo Immortal. It took Quin69 $20,000 before he actually obtained the item he needed.