No. I’m not fine with it removed? If you read correctly, I am in favor of disabling it for the people who constantly use it.
You don’t need to vote kick someone every lfg, in fact when I was doing lfg back when I did it consistently as a tank and heals, it was a rare occurrence.
Which means that the people using It constantly who are trolling could “out themselves” in a way.
Bud I log into the game like once a week. Barely play. Not sure why my armory is not working. Yea something isn’t right with that, but there’s no conspiracy theory lol.
I hop from char to char constantly. So please don’t even get started on “let me see your main” garbage. Just saying that as you sound like one of those, and honestly I have too many chars I play to show you them all.
Same, and nearly all of those times were to remove a party member who’d gone AWOL. Maybe like once or twice to actually kick a troublemaker.
Apparently it’s bugged. You can just type /votekick to kick until they get it fixed.
Is this a bug or just one of the most hilariously botched ideas of SL?
And man, thats a bar to duck under.
Is this a bug or a new feature? I just had the healer DC last night 2 bosses in and we waited 5 min for dc to clear but never came back so we had to abandon the dungeon. Pretty lame feature. It’s like they are trolling us more than the afkers
Mine’s been grayed out since before the patch. Tried to VTK someone in SotFO because they were just standing on the sidelines not doing anything, but couldn’t initiate it. I know I haven’t hit the limit because I never use it.
I don’t want to see your main. I was wondering about your experience with vote kicking with this character you’re posting on, because I see way more people who are afk, dc, dangerously incompetent, or outright trolling than who start unwarranted vote kicks.
Did you get your information on this issue on the forums?
My personal feeling is that there there should be a dropdown menu with a few common reasons, like
The system could check if the player being targeted is actually AFK or DC’d.
Both Other and Trolling would require typing a description of the problem. The text would end up with your account and the player you reported’s account.
So anyone who made a lot of frivolous reports would have a file to see if they were abusing, as well as those who are causing problems. Meanwhile, there would be no limit on the players who could be reported for being AFK or DC’d, because the system can verify that they are indeed not there or not been moving for a while.
When someone is kicked, they should be able to see the reason why. And if the reason makes no sense, and it’s someone who does that a lot, that in itself would be a violation.
Target player, type /votekick
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Can you explain that to 3 new players in Portuguese? One person doing that isn’t going to remove the problem player.
From Vrak himself most likely a bug due to cross faction and they are aware of it.
It is definitely a bug.