It has been greyed out for me since the patch. Pretty annoying not to be able to vote kick someone who has been afk a long time.
Hmm… it wasn’t the other day when I went in there on a shaman healer. Someone had deliberately died early, and then just afk’d the entire fight, and after, so they were kicked.
A lot of people are complaining that since patch it is greyed out. Some say it’s on people who vote kick too often.
I haven’t done any queue content yet to check mine, but I don’t LFR or do random dungeons and haven’t in ages.
yeah just asked other people in the raid as well and it was greyed out for all of us.
I’ve had multiple D/Cs at the start of the dungeon we couldn’t replace.
I’ve heard that they added a 15 minute cooldown before it’s active, unsure.
So something to combat toxicity that people are immediately taking advantage of by afking and being unable to be removed while they get carried.
Who could have seen that coming.
That is really stupid. There are way too many people who just afk and troll LFR to put a 15 minute timer on it. I have run into people with names with trolllfr in them who just enter to mess with people.
Its bugged right now.
It’s greyed out for me, too , and I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I’ve initiated a vote kick in my entire wow career.
And I’ve already seen it taken advantage of by trolls…
I wonder if Blizzard reimplemented that if you’ve kicked to often you’re on a cool down timer until you get to kick again.
It’s greyed for me as well.
I don’t like kick happy people.
happening in low lvl duengons too. Anyone can easily make an allied race char and get lvl 60 without killing a single thing. Just que and go afk while soaking all the xp and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
Typing out “/votekick {player name}” worked for me last time I had to remove a DC’d player from the group. The button was grayed out but the chat command still went through.
lol it works
I was in a dungeon. A warrior was doing no dmg and just afking most of it and was in kickable. I asked the group what was going on and go no answer so I left. I was the healer and as usual the tank was pulling the entire dungeon with weak 2 dps and me suppose to kill it all . No ty I don’t carry random afk people and shouldn’t be forced to.
That worked, thank you. Hopefully that command isn’t just a work around and Blizzard fixes that. Had a player go afk literally at the start and didn’t see your post until the end of the dungeon lol. Cheers
That would be great if they put in a feature to use on people who constantly use the kick feature as to troll or just get someone removed from group they don’t like.
I’d love that. Would weed out the trolls a little better and slow em down.
No. There’s not timer. Vote to kick is just disabled.
There already was one. If you initiated a vote too often you got a message how long you would have to wait to initiate a vote again. I know, I got that message once last week on my first vote kick of the day.
Now there’s no way to deal with trolls who are only queuing for dungeons to destroy the experience of the other players or to get a free carry. Good work. Glad you support trolls and want to make sure there are no consequences for harassing other players.
How many players do you need to convince to do this for it to work?
Lol I never said I supported trolls. I in fact are very against them. But make up things in your mind I guess.
You are saying that it’s a good thing vote to kick has been disabled, because you think it is a big problem that people queue to kick for no reason. So you’re fine with removing the ability to kick malicious trolls.
I have rarely seen someone kicked for no reason, and if it’s not a good reason, I always vote against it.
How much queuable content do you do? People who are afk or disconnected need to be kicked.
You are posting on a character with a disabled armory. Something’s not quite right.