So, tonight. I decided to do some casual PvP by myself, ya know. Que in, look at the enemy team. Oh, okay, they got a pretty stacked team. Probably a premade, not a big deal. Lose that one, que into another game. Oh wow, it’s the same team. Maybe just a coincidence? Lose that one, I’ll reque, no problem. QUE INTO ANOTHER BG, IT’S THE SAME TEAM. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?
Pretty sure you invented casual solo PvP. Groups have always been able to queue
doesn’t realize the other players are requeing right after a game just like they are
pvp’ers still play this game? why?
These “teams” have been driving everyone away because they sweat in randoms because they can’t win elsewhere. Pvp is on life support.
Your answers are just so full of it fritz. Are you really trying to claim that the group being exactly the same is normal. REALLY? just a ridiculous reply from someone who puts up ridiculous answers a lot.
There is no such thing as casual pvp, only folks that take it casually.
You can queue as 5 in a random BG, anyone saying otherwise is delusional and nothing you do or say will change the reality of the situation. Unless Blizzard changes the rules (which they won’t and haven’t for 20+ years) then you just have to deal with it unfortunately.
They brought in a solo-queue bracket called BG Blitz which is the highest participation bracket in the game. I suggest you play that if you want to avoid premades. Otherwise find a different game.
Queueing with 5 players is intended within the game as it currently stands. This is the standard for Random BGs and has been for over a decade.
May I suggest a few options:
- Get better at the game and make friends to queue with.
- Play BGB where there are no Premades. They made a bracket for this exact reason and this has destroyed the RBG bracket. So people are more likely to play Random BGs with their friends rather than Rated BGs. Crazy concept I know but it’s just the way it is.
- Go PvE, but just an FYI; The raid/dungeon bosses are not premading with the trash so please don’t accuse them of it.
- Go play another game, there are thousands of other games out there.
- Go scream into your pillow.
The above is sound advice. Blitz is a lot of fun and teams should be comprised of few 2 man teams as a dps can only queue with 1 healer if they dont want to queue solo. And no consumables are used in Blitz so you might see less damage per offensive ability used on you.
if both parties reque directly after the game ends yes, that’s exactly how it works.
for real, these premades are kinda annoying.
it’s legit impossible to complete the “win 5 random battlegrounds” thing from traveler’s log. At least in a time-efficient way.
I wonder what’s one way that this could get addressed. I’m sure it never will, but one can hit the dream pipe at their own peril. A common way would be to prefer matching premades vs premades, but I believe there aren’t enough players for that to be a viable option due to queue time increases.
Perhaps the only logical conclusion, or surely the most common one, is to do precisely this:
Sometimes preceded by:
Which explains our current situation.
I think if you had organized your numbered list in a way that reflects the 5 stages of grief that would have been pretty funny
I’m on a similar thread reading comments in response to wintrading/boost (rating) sellers.
Degenerate comments there range from players that claim to not be a booster, but to know with certainty that boosting is very rare and boosting companies don’t use win trading, all the way to calling people bads and telling them to GiT gUd. Fun times.
Calm down, lol.
Anyway yes this is quite common.
sometimes the truth hurts
Thanks for making it easy to ignore you.
when faced with information they dont like to hear its often ignored. doesnt make it any less true.
The sensitivity is unreal, lol. Maybe if he spent less time crying and more time playing, he’d actually advance to honor level 58.
The only awareness they have is themselves, unfortunately. I wonder why, too!
Yeah the Random BGs is infested with Premades atm.
Ironically, when I jump into a premade, its mainly facing pugs who end up GY Stomped.
But If I Q on my own im running into Premades.
If they make it so premades vs premades only with pugs as fillers it should resolve some of the issue but then the premades will QQ for increase Q times.
I think most people who premade would agree with you on this one. It would be nice for groups of 5 to only run into other groups of 5, fill the rest with pugs.
If it meant longer queue times that’s understandable and might even push premades out of the unrated content into something more competitive.
The problem is though, BGB has killed the RBG scene which was already on the brink of death. The symptom of this is that lots of people who should be doing RBGs will just play Random BGs now. There are a lot of factors at play here and why we have ended up in this situation.