Was trying to do casual solo PvP, and ran into four premades in a row

Im going to politely disagree with you here. I think most premades want to have easy games or just difficult games to make it interesting but never lose.

This applies to 90% of premades. There is always that 10% though that want that competition but they are minority.

Im not surprised at this. I did some RBGS at the end of Dragonflight at request of my irl friend. The amount of talking smack behind peoples back on Discord when they left the group for w/e reason was one of the cringiest things Iā€™ve experienced in my years of gaming.

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Look you are right in saying there is definitely a split. Whether its 90/10, 50/50. Who knows.

What I will say is that anyone who would be against 5s being put against 5s probably isnā€™t a great player and knows this deep down. They rely on farming undergeared/disorganized pugs and would never be able to beat some of the better ā€œteamsā€.

I premade in random bgs but I also love a good solo shuffle and blitz. So I can only speak for myself and some others that I play with but I was excited for the cross-faction queues to come out, in the hope it would mean more 5v5 action.

But this hasnā€™t really happened, the first few weeks were great because of the hype and more people grouping up to try it out. But itā€™s back to business as usual. Maybe 1 in 5 games is a premade v premade. I had some games last expansion where I queued with a few buddies and we were against TRIPLE conq geared premades. This sort of imbalance shouldnā€™t even be allowed to happen may as well just give the stacked team the conquest and victory and save everyone 10-15mins.

The way they implemented cross faction in randoms was an utter failure and it should have shuffled every group up and forced people to play the other side, as we do in Blitz. Now premades can dodge eachother way easier, not to mention the addons that exist to help this. Itā€™s just a hellscape at the moment and why I lean more towards playing BGB/SS.

RBG scene is full of drama queens and bad players who rely on getting carried by their team. Not to mention the win-trading/boosting that goes on at even the lowest levels. Good riddance to that crap.

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100% agree.

Not even limited to RBGS from my experience :rofl:

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Looks like we found the main. :slight_smile:

If your referring to me Snowcrest, you are definitely mistaken

Ill give you credit though, your the one that held that belief from ages ago. Despite it being a bit weird and creepy. Not that it matters.


And no Brox, no one was talking about you. :slight_smile:

Got the record beat. Iā€™ve now run into 10 premades in a row. 'Bout to see if we can get 11.

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Pretty much all that is left. Thatā€™s what you get with no regulations being enforced.


Well boys, Iā€™ve been playing a very long time and Iā€™ll tell you this: There is no reason why random battleground players should be facing the same group 2, 3 or 4 times in a row. I know there was a big thing about the sync addon on reddit and perhaps this is that addon in action.

But to say that the premade group is simply re Qing at the same time is just ignorant.