Yes but I’m cringe.
We know.
Words hurt.
Bro if you aren’t memeing at that point just make friends or guildies.
All my friends and guildies are 5k+ and atleast 5 99 parses, what do you mean?
Who needs logs, attitude and gearcheck says it all.
What does attitude have to do with anything? No one even says anything most of the time.
you can get like 4.4k from afking in battlegrounds
Each wg is like a free piece of 213 deadly gear to replace any blue/green leveling pieces you have. EZPZ 4000+gs no reason to ever que for h+ under that unless you are trolling.
Hooray, arbitrarily forcing people into soloing an activity they may or may not like just cause “wah I dun liek da rdf”.
The irony is, of course, completely lost on you people.
Yea must be completely lost on you and me both because nothing you said makes sense.
No that’s literally what you’re advocating, that people go afk in BG’s so they can game the ilvl system.
Replacing a random 174 leveling green with 213 or even a 232 isnt just gaming the ilvl system it’s also a vast stat increase. I never said anything about BG’s as they should be avoided without a decent set. WG on the other hand is meant for this very purpose. It’s 10-20 minutes once every 3 hours to greatly increase you ilvl and improve you ability to carry you own weight without having to gdkp or ms>os for gear right away.
If only WotLK came with a way to do this in it’s original incarnation then maybe we wouldn’t be forcing people to play on a timer doing solo play for inferior junk gear meant purely to boost their ilvl.
If only.
This is only a recommendation to the stated problem "Was told 3.6K GS was too low for H+ on my ret pally’. If you hate pvp simply don’t do and find a different path.
No one is questioning that PvP gear is an effective way to game the ilvl system.
We’re merely pointing out that you are suggesting people who don’t like pvp should afk in BG’s just to get that gear.
And the problem is between lack of RDF and adding H+ blizzard actively removed the other path.
Again avoid BG’s at all cost without gear.
So your plan to get people going for … 5 man dungeons … is to work on a timer and pray they win WG.
How do you propose people into PvP go about their gearing process? Same way?
If you think you wouldn’t get kicked from a rdf group for having bad gear in this age of min/max turbo nerds I envy your innocence.
But pvp gear is, in some cases, worse than that 174 blue item you picked up.
So it’s literally just for ilvl.