Was this even tested before it went live?

Was this even tested before it went live? Everything was broken yesterday. I understand that you had to release the new expansion because DF was taking a nose dive.

Please for the love of Thrall take your time and release a finished product next time. Do not YOLO it again.


maybe you can start by fixing the title of your post


All I can confirm is that I didn’t test it.

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Lets ask crowdstrike.




Didn’t all you guys PAY them to test their product?

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I see no evidence.

Yes, but testing environments and live environments are vastly different in scope.

You will never be able to account for all possible iterations so you try to break it with what you have and fix that. When it goes live there is always going to be further issues with anything complex.

This change was a major one effecting every account, multiple systems and reacting to countless possibilities that could never have been tested for. And that’s just the warband system.

Nevermind the myriad of other things fiddled with.


Paid content not working or missing? Meh.
Paying player missing a word in their thread title? Da trolls be comin’ for ya!



Blizzard could do better with their QA, but no amount of testing in the world would protect a game from experiencing bugs when so many sweeping changes are made at once. Even if the software seemed fine during internal testing, putting it out into the production environment with millions of users is bound to dredge up problems. Tis the nature of the beast.


It was tested and the Warband bank worked fine on the PTR. The thing is sometimes bringing things to the live client causes extra issues.


Alpha testing most likely but Beta testing and having it reviewed by a internal or contracted Q and A department hell no…

It was tested on beta, and worked fine. Live servers introduce their own issues.

It literally launched yesterday. Y’all need to untwist your knickers.


So they converted the database and there was no issues at all…yeah nooo

We have had no communication in beta, don’t blame the beta testers for this mess.

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no, I pay to play the product. no promises on testing in the TOS is there? maybe there is? never read them. why bother? agree and play or don’t and don’t.

I mean it probably didnt help that they put out the wrong build lol


How many beta testers these day you think actually fill out a report that is well written?

People talk about bugs and issues all day long in beta, so uhm, many I reckon.