Was this even tested before it went live?

Random talk and submitting a proper report that is well written that even show how to create the bug are two different things. Most who are in beta these days don’t even know what Technical Writing means…

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A lot.

But starting with BfA, Blizzard has just ignored more and more of the beta feedback and bug reports.

Not that it’s a new thing; when WoD launched, the master surveyor bug prevented Horde players from being able to build a garrison. It wasn’t fixed until 3 AM when Blizzard hotfixed the quest to just auto-complete without the player doing anything.

That was reported in beta. I know, because I know people who reported it.

Blizzard did nothing.

Don’t blame beta testers when Blizzard increasingly just ignores everything they say.

Oh I blame everyone equally

Hmm CEO spend money on QA testers or upgrade my yacht? What do you think?

So just randomly putting this out there, but are you so neive as to think there are no professionals from the gaming world, not from Blizzard in beta currently? Perhaps, IDK, even professional testers from other companies in beta? Also perhaps, just perhaps maybe some of those pros also want to see this game succeed because they also play it?

I personally see an issue of lack of communication from the Devs, and the fact there are 2 senior level positions in testing, and one is for the lead tester as job offers from Blizzard.

that would make too much sense!


Of course it was. Have you tried to release an entirely new system overhaul internationally to millions of players across a multitude of different configurations, all built to function with a program whose code has been altered every few months but also have been the same for the past roughly 20 years?

Assuming that it would go smoothly was extremely naïve.

Not even remotely the case, not to mention that according to what data is available and estimates made from that … DF has been an unmitigated success with very few actual negative trends.

“Finished product”…? In a live service game that’s continuously updated?
You don’t get how these two are completely contradictory, do you?

Just because you do that doesn’t mean others do.

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I am sure some suc- er… chu- uh… customers? did… but it wasn’t me.

No not naive…just going by all the public information we have from before and after Microsoft took over. Like I said I am equal opportunity hater. Except for their IT department they bust their buts and do what they can.

As someone who does software QA for a defense company, this is only true for amateur hour at Weenie Hut Jr.

Oh, I dunno about that. Defense sector has a whole list of stuff that looked great on paper and fell apart in the real world.

Zumwalt-class, anyone? :roll_eyes:

I cannot imagine it did. Lol

If that’s your opinion I sincerely doubt your claim.

Expand upon this “everything”.
Everything everything? pressing W didnʻt move your character forward? That was broken?

Your post indicates that you do not really mean this.

So you wish for an end to the game?
A final “we beat it and now the game is over” situation?

Yes there are a lot of hiccups that we will experience until things get smoothed over.
As in the past, we deal with it until we dont.

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