Utterly defeated. Leadership surrendered. Leadership fled. Population. These are all target specific. Not battle specific. So, on your terms, your response ignores much of what I said. However, I object to those terms.
As for treatment of non-combatants and children, this is again relevant to the theme of a false equivalence.
I was responding to
Target to !destroy!, not military target.
He’s asking why Sylvanas’ destruction wasn’t of a legitimate target. A fair reading, I think, in a thread about whether or not that specific act constituted a genocide. There were plenty of military approaches she could have taken which wouldn’t constitute a genocide; as Serevèn observed, the issue of whether or not Teldrassil was a legitimate military target is massively detached from the issue at hand and also undermined by the words he actually used (destroy, not ‘military target’—an occupation is not destruction, yet it is military procedure) We are talking about what did happen—and whether or not there was justification to do it to the place to which it was done. Otherwise, he could have simply said “Why wouldn’t Teldrassil be a legitimate military target?” Rather than what he actually said, which is intensely more specific. You’re welcome to discuss military target, but it is not the standard I was discussing or responding to.
What happened at Teldrassil was an entirely different undertaking to the ‘destruction’ of Taurjo. The Alliance simply did not deem Taurjo a valid target for the scourging of a civilian population from Azeroth. Thus, there is not, in fact, a precedent justifying Sylvanas’ particular destruction as been directed at a legitimate target. Teldrassil was not a conscionable recipient for genocide, despite the excuses of certain posters. By the standards of Warcraft or law or human dignity.
Only one of these was even a battle. The other was no-more than a mass burning of hostages.
Thank you, someone speaking on my behalf runs the very real risk of putting words in my mouth. That said, it’s been a genuine pleasure reading all of your comments.
I know I come across as prickly, Jack. It’s nothing personal. Hahahahahaha’s master plan is working better than they could have imagined.