Was The Teldrassil BBQ A Genocide?

I can assure you the one thing that’s very much not allowed on Wowpedia is fanon. Take a look at some of the talk pages of major articles and you’ll see how often tiny things like this are debated. The above example is one of the few times I’ve seen everyone over there agree.

There’s over a hundred examples of that happening.
https:// www .jstor. org/stable/1429971


Why even argue with cursewords, he is either a troll or really really dumb, the devs called it genocide, case close.


The Devs also said Sylvanas isn’t evil, case closed?

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The devs said it in game matieral so nice try.

So you’re saying characters words are the dev’s words? Honest question.

Utterly defeated. Leadership surrendered. Leadership fled. Population. These are all target specific. Not battle specific. So, on your terms, your response ignores much of what I said. However, I object to those terms.

As for treatment of non-combatants and children, this is again relevant to the theme of a false equivalence.

I was responding to

Target to !destroy!, not military target.

He’s asking why Sylvanas’ destruction wasn’t of a legitimate target. A fair reading, I think, in a thread about whether or not that specific act constituted a genocide. There were plenty of military approaches she could have taken which wouldn’t constitute a genocide; as Serevèn observed, the issue of whether or not Teldrassil was a legitimate military target is massively detached from the issue at hand and also undermined by the words he actually used (destroy, not ‘military target’—an occupation is not destruction, yet it is military procedure) We are talking about what did happen—and whether or not there was justification to do it to the place to which it was done. Otherwise, he could have simply said “Why wouldn’t Teldrassil be a legitimate military target?” Rather than what he actually said, which is intensely more specific. You’re welcome to discuss military target, but it is not the standard I was discussing or responding to.

What happened at Teldrassil was an entirely different undertaking to the ‘destruction’ of Taurjo. The Alliance simply did not deem Taurjo a valid target for the scourging of a civilian population from Azeroth. Thus, there is not, in fact, a precedent justifying Sylvanas’ particular destruction as been directed at a legitimate target. Teldrassil was not a conscionable recipient for genocide, despite the excuses of certain posters. By the standards of Warcraft or law or human dignity.

Only one of these was even a battle. The other was no-more than a mass burning of hostages.

Thank you, someone speaking on my behalf runs the very real risk of putting words in my mouth. That said, it’s been a genuine pleasure reading all of your comments. :slight_smile:

I know I come across as prickly, Jack. It’s nothing personal. Hahahahahaha’s master plan is working better than they could have imagined.


Read the rest of the thread, I am not having the same argument cannibal is having, with you, cause you are too dumb to figure it out too.

It depends on the character and circumstances, since things like flavor lore exist.

Crazy group of doomsday preppers say Deathwing is still alive and is coming back? Clearly not the devs’ intent to make that canon.

Devout priest, worshiper and chosen of a loa says their loa is still alive even after we saw it die? It’s probably safe to say it’s still alive and that was the message the devs were trying to give.


Military targets get destroyed. The points you made that I ignored are points I had never intended to discuss in the first place because they seem like a B line derailment to a turaho thread.

There was no single religious and community leader of those people on the level of Tyrande. She is both the political and religious leader in one person. And Saurfang is as High an official as it gets in the Horde, Comparable to Goering.

There is no similarity or comparison between the two situations at such a high level while Germany was commiting genocide. It’s just another desperate attempt at hyperbole.

Anyone who compares The War of Thorns to the Holocaust is a bit touched. In a way, I am glad their views are so myopic. It shows they lack any empathy or understanding for what actually happened - that sounds blissful.

Thank you for that polite, reasoned, and respectful acknowledgement of a difference of opinion.

As you say - it is merely a fanon circle wank to propose fan websites as canon rule makers, above all else.

I love how I get accused of being overly insulting while people sling arrows and act sanctimonious simply because of a disagreement on language.

As has been said often here - the devs only used “genocide” in the mind and perspective of Alliance characters. The two times it is used.

Sylvanas thinks a lot of things as well. She has a perspective.

I doubt the same people who push Anduin’s perspective as magically neutral and objective feel the same about Sylvanas’s perspective.

The hilarity of saying

immediately followed by

You get accused of being overly insulting because you are very overly insulting. I’ve yet to see you make any sort of coherent argument in any thread that isn’t laced with middle school-level insults. It makes for some good popcorn material, but dear god are you terrible at arguments.


I have an entire paragraph addressing this issue. Did you even take the time to read it? You’ve ignored it. Another thing for the pile.

YOU brought up Traurajo, as an example of an analogous target. But you refuse to defend the comparison–literally at all? I wonder how you’ll strawman this issue.

Alright, that’s me done. Patience depleted.


You seem to miss my point. Probably because you need Anduin to think it first in order to believe it.

I dont mind being called insulting- I didnt deny it. My point is I find it hilarious when people call me insulting while hurling insults. It shows the level of hypocrisy they operate on. People like you.

I freely admit to insulting people who begin their posts with lies and insults, themselves. And it is hilarious to see the sanctimony from posters like you.

“You always insult people! Grade schooler!”


I read it. it goes into genocide and all the things about how a target was treated. Not wether or not it was a target.

I brought up only an Alliance standard of what constitutes a legitimate target. I said nothing of the specifics of who or where. You keep trying to do that. I don’t defend a comparison I never made.

I find it ironic how you want to insult my use of arguments…

Nothing concrete or source-able. Like most of your posts.

We got pretty far before Taurjo came up.

https: //imgur. com/a/73oGgRG


Yes, he spared the ruling couple. This was of course AFTER participating in the decimation of Ashenvale and Darkshore without a qualm. The bad writing starts with his handling of Malfurion.

Saurfang ordered you to capture those elves for interrogation. Your character is the one that chose to let them escape.

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I agree that it doesn’t fit the exact definition, but Blizzard in this case is pushing us to view it as a genocide (in the novellas) whether it technically qualifies or not.

Please stop. Making weak arguments undermines your case.

We know the devs have a serious Unreliable Narrator problem. The reasons for this vary- sometimes it’s legitimately forgetting their own lore, sometimes it’s a deliberate retcon, sometimes they’re just straight-up misleading us because they think it will pay off later, but the fact remains that in WoW, Word of God means less than it has in any other setting I’ve let myself become invested in.

Its usage in Elegy is there to incite emotion; it is not an indicator of an objective truth(you’ll notice that Elegy has other instances of absurd speculation, like the detail, conspicuously missing from the account of people who are actually at the horde front, that Horde shamans were using air elementals to spread the fire). To get the truth of the matter, we HAVE to examine it for ourselves to find that, yes, by UN definitions, the mass slaughter of civilians, destruction of cultural centers, and annihilation of the seat of their faith does, in fact, constitute a genocide.

What the devs say on the matter is irrelevant, because we KNOW they aren’t reliable.