Was The Teldrassil BBQ A Genocide?

With the dawn of a new day, I just want to clarify my position for a moment - for anyone who is interested:

I have no problem if ANY players consider it a “Genocide” in their minds. In fact - the Horde players participated in it. I won’t begrudge their first hand opinions of their own actions.

I do dismiss anyone who claims Blizzard has stated in the objective narrative that the Horde committed a “Genocide” in the War of Thorns.

The only times it appears is twice, in the minds and reflections of Alliance characters (Anduin and Astarii) from their perspective. Which is not the Objective Third Person narration telling us a statement. It is the Narration explaining the inner thoughts of Astarii and Anduin.

If Anduin’s every thought is some how narrative truth - so is Sylvanas’s. And she has things to say about all this.

So TLDR: I dont object to people expressing their opinion about “Genocide”.

I do object when Posters try to twist Blizzard’s words, which I have read myself.


Human dignity? I should remind you that neither Sylvannas, nor Saurfang, nor most of the Alliance or Horde are Human.

There are no standards, there is no body of law or politics, no convention, that exists above the faction level that either Alliance or Horde answer to. Every war that’s been fought between Orcs and Humans has been a total war with no set exclusions.

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I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. This isn’t even a childish ploy–I actually can’t tell. Such is the state of this thread. I’ll write a proper response, this last time, since I haven’t interchanged with you as of yet, if you aver that you’re actually serious.

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Yes there is. Read War Crimes.

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Where the Celestials said it was all good - and our dumbasses were so busy ruling over each other with word games, that we spawned a whole AU?

I would never recommend anyone read Warcrimes other than an educational exercise for contemporary lore…

Even I have qualms about cursing others to read War Crimes.

I have friends and kin that read Warcraft books on my suggestion…and enjoyed them. I never even told them about the Warcrimes novel.

I could not in good conscience recommend anyone reads Warcrimes for a modicum of enjoyment.

This is all fair.

Including this part. Where it does, unfortunately, have value in this discussion because it shows us precedent that the races do have conventions they abide by for behavior in war.

Despite disobeying those conventions, like, always.