Was The Alliance Trying To Achieve Maximum Dazar'alor War Crimes?

If we had good writers, we wouldn’t be here right now.


Shouldn’t those same soldiers be able to tell when they are fighting a untrained civilian who is just defending their home and try to do the same thing?

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I haven’t done the raid, so I’m looking at the screen shots here.

I don’t think the fire elemental considered the 10 foot tall troll with a knife to be comparable to an unarmed child.


To be fair, not unarmed, they are wielding makeshift weapons against fire-elementals and corehounds, though that is still like giving a untrained soldier a broom handle and told to fight trained soldiers, still stupid.

They are still untrained, they are civilians fighting elemental forces and beasts because they are backed into a corner and have no other choice… except lay down and die.


Wake me when the damage is reflected out of the raid.


So you are the typical alliance fanboy? Huh? Dun’ care unless it is outside of the raid. Welp! Wake me when Teldrassil happens outside of a instanced battlefield.

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Maybe they could have fled or surrendered and the Dark Irons woulda called off their summons?

I’m just looking at one image here.

Maybe that troll had the ability to leave and decided to fight to the death. Idk. Do you?

The LFR has both teams march through the civilian districts at the start. So anyone who wants to go lookyloo at the civilian corpses laying around past the raid bumpers can pretty easily. There’s probably better screenshots to be taken of the delicious civilian slaughter than those.

No, because behind him is no way out, just a stone wall with more civilians. And infront of him are Dark Iron forces blocking the refugee exit. So yeah, I do.


If the Alliance prevents the civilians from fleeing and refuses to accept a surrender, then that’s a war crime.

If the Alliance requests a surrender and the civilian refuses and attacks back, that’s not a warcrime.


My point was that the Horde doesn’t really have the moral standing to call out the Alliance to do something the Horde itself doesn’t do.

While you would like that, there are plenty of people, and Blizzard seemingly included, that want the Alliance flaws to be having standards they don’t actually live up to. I mean, if we’re just throwing out things we want, I’d like the Horde not to be hypocrites, too, but that’s not going to happen, either.

I like what I see, but I am quite vain.


well, the first thing happens, considering they block the civilian escape, and are openly shown to attack civilians who are cornered in their huts bravely trying to fend off elementals and corehounds from other civilian shoppers, adding to the fact, that most of you gloss over always: The alliance let loose a mindless beast the size of King Kong on a residential area.

No, we don’t, but we can call you out for being hypocrites, preaching how murdering civilians is bad, but when your side does it you look for every excuse you can find. Either murdering civilians is always bad or never bad, choose.


How do we know that?

Is it possible the Alliance did offer a surrender and the civilians refused? Or they attacked back before the Alliance could even offer a surrender?

In Brennadam, you can clearly see civilians running for their lives and begging for mercy. I’m not under the impression this is happening in S/DOD.

And I can call out the Horde for being hypocrites for not holding Sylvanas responsible for her criminal actions against Horde laws, either.

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Simple because not all of those Civilians left behind are fighting, there are some cowering behind the one who is. And it isn’t like they are given a opening and again:


Really? I see one being held up by a Orc by the throat, that dude is kicking at the Orc, how do we know he wasn’t fighting back? See what happens when you set fake standards? I can set them on your own arguments.

I am not a hypocrite, I see the attack of Dazar’alor as a valid attack, just as I do with Teldrassil, I am not a hypocrite. That is not what bothers me, what bothers me is the hypocrisy of the Alliance spouting how the murder of civilians is bad, yet when the Alliance does it, the go to answer is a mild shrug and a ‘meh’.


As far as I am aware, no one on the Horde side in game is calling for the Alliance to recognize these crimes. Unless you are insinuating that my comments speak for the Horde, which they don’t, these are just some guys opinions on the internet.

Again I get that and my statements have been opinions and things I would like to see done in the story. I know the writing team has their own story and themes they want to push forward and my statements weren’t suppose to amount to me trying to tell the story team what to do


Saurfang’s thoughts in A Good War:

    There were whispers that Greymane had ordered the attack without Anduin’s permission, but as far as Saurfang knew, Greymane had not been punished. The implications of that were troubling

Fair enough. After all, I, too, am just someone on the internet.


What on earth

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The hypocrisy I was talking about was justifying the War of the Thorns by calling out that Genn had not been punished for rumors of breaking orders, when it was openly known that Sylvanas had broken her Warchiefs’ (plural) orders, and was never punished for it, and instead was made Warchief herself.


Blinks, rolls drunkenly out of bed

Oh great, another Threeslot meme thread. What did the Alliance do? stare at a puppy really hard? take someones cotton candy in a side quest?

Looks at the screenshots