At least to some extent things can make a little sense.
The whole, “No Witnesses,” thing was pretty dumb, but when you consider Varian was in charge at that period of time and he had no qualms about that kind of action, I’m not going to say it was a bad decision. Could it have been handled better? Absolutely. The Zandalari were always going to join the Horde, but yeah, imprisoning a princess and a prophet is not Anduin.
Tauren joined the Horde in the way I’d rather see races join the Horde, and this is something that bothers me a little bit. More races should join the Horde out of mutual interest with the Horde and actual desire to be a part of it, rather than because the Alliance bothered them. I feel like it really cheapens the Horde as a whole when those who are within it’s ranks are only there because they don’t like the Alliance. The members of the Horde should be there out of mutual respect and shared interests.
Its as if the Horde has no actual GOOD qualities worth joining, and you only join because the faction that actually has good qualities was mean to you once.
[Edit]: The Horde shouldn’t be some Last Resort. It should be the first choice for the races which join it. They should look at the Horde and the Alliance and go, “I like the Horde.”
It’s little wonder the faction struggles for Pride when all it’s members are essentially forced into it.
I still say that it was Nomi that burned the tree. I mean seriously, a bunch of siege-engines firing over such a vast distance? I doubt it. It was all a conspiracy by Nomi, for only he has the power to burn things so totally
The Horde has always been a faction of outcasts and misfits. They are the ones that embrace you when the others would reject you. And saying ‘because they were mean to you’ cheapens the actual crimes done by the Alliance, like sinking a neutral civilian ships cause ‘no witnesses’. Or the non-Anduin way of treating Talanji, or the way that Jaina ruined the peace negotiations with the Blood Elves.
Yeah, let’s not get into the Purge, because I’ll be honest, if Lor’themar ever learns the truth from Aethas, he’ll have no ground to be angry at Jaina. After all, her first choice was to basically Exile the Sunreavers from Dalaran, and that’s Lor’themar’s first option always. I’d love to see what he would have done had neither the High Elves or Void Elves accepted Exile and refused to leave. Pretty sure he’d have done some Purges of his own.
The Blood Elves were threatened… though who knows at this point with all the retcons. I mean it was his same threatening commands that forced Sylvanas to attack Gilneas (retconned) and that made the Blood Elves do as he said with the mana-bomb. Can you really be angry for someone smuggling someone cause a notorious psychpath is threatening you, your family and everyone you shared Bloodthistle with?
I mean, if you were in discussions to get away from the psychopath that was threatening your people, and that was ruined because you failed to tell the truth at a vital moment that would have given perspective to the whole thing, then yeah. Should be pretty angry.
Lor’themar would’ve done the exact same thing Jaina had done if the roles had been reversed.
Okay, I will admit you are right on that, but that doesn’t make the attack on a neutral civilian ship cause ‘no witnesses’ any better. And unlike the other times, this was not painted in its usual comedic light, it looked actually pretty horrific.
From a moral standpoint it was absolutely horrific. From a narrative standpoint, considering unstable warmongering Varian Wrynn was in charge, I can see it making some sense.
Personally I just want to see races joining the Horde because they WANT to, rather than because the Alliance was mean to them somehow. Yes, you can say that choice of words is downplaying the events, but the general sentiment is there. Alliance does something bad, and then, and only then, does a race join the Horde.
The Horde should be WORTH joining without considering the Alliance at all.
I mean for the Goblins it was not just the fact that the Alliance tried to murder them all, it was also that Thrall came in and beat Gallywix into submission alongside the Goblin hero and I guess that is where most Goblins started respecting the Horde as allies.
Forsaken for them it was truly just a alliance of convenience, the Alliance has spurned them and their best interaction with their living cousins was GARITHOS. I think that alone would be reason enough to join whatever faction HE didn’t belong to.
Call me crazy but Goblins could’ve been with the Horde without any of that. What I wouldn’t have given to see Gazlowe as a part of the Horde, rather than Neutral. There’s a Goblin you could respect. Gallywix just feels like a minor Raid Boss in the waiting list.
He certainly wouldn’t need being attacked by the Alliance to join the Horde, he was already on great terms with them.
Gazlowe? Yeah, he is great… but say what you will about Gallywix… I kinda like him. Especially in the raid when you fight Opulence… but I guess that is the reason why people consider that the erradication of hundreds of Goblins is a joke rather then a horrendous destruction of live.
Now to see if it’s ever mentioned or acknowledged again. Alliance has done a few evil things like in the goblin intro. But since no one, including Blizz, ever mentions them again, they are effectively non-canon…
And I don’t care how much Blizz refuses to show the Alliance the evil actions of their own faction, I will do it instead. Though sadly, unlike you, my thread is pretty much filled with Alliance Fanboy trolls who only bring either:
A.) Dumb arguments that could just as easily be used to justify Teldrassil
B.) No arguments at all, using the world famous ‘DURR! LOOKAT THE TROLL! DURR!’
I dunno, raining down cataclysmic fire on a residential market or releasing a mindless beast on a residential area of a heavily populated city is also pretty warcrimey.
Aren’t you the one who keeps talking about how Dazar’alor is superior to Teldrassil because it’s made out of stone? So, just go hide in your stone buildings until King Kong leaves and the rain of fire stops. I’m sure you’ll be fine.
I am saying that is the reason the Alliance probably didn’t burn it to the ground and saved the whole trouble of releasing a unstable Kaijuu on a city who had nothing to do with his plight and raining down forbidden shamanistic magic down on a residential market.