Was just double charged

Was changing the payment method on my account to a new card and after i got done i got an alert i was just charged twice for a year sub $155 x2!! Why did this happen? I still had a month left on my sub.

I thought that happened to me, when I updated my payment info. It doesn’t - it just verifies your card as valid. That verification should drop off in a few days, and then you’ll be billed when your sub is up.


Seems kind of odd that a CC validation ping would be for 155$… it’s usually 1$-2$

For one- and three-month subs, it doesn’t charge immediately. Six- and twelve-month subs are tied to these mount promotions and work a little differently, chief among which is an upfront charge. One of them may still drop off unless it was selected for a second game license, which will need a quick trek through the refund system or ticket to a game master.

I have a 12 month sub - and when I updated my card info, it looked like it billed twice. I freaked out - but waited a couple days, and the 2nd charge dropped off and I had the correct amount of game time (12 months + 1 for what I had left on the existing sub).

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On this Battlenet account, Biggulp? I’m not seeing any recent transactions. Do you see any on your Transaction page?

That should be for an initial purchase, but if the subscription is set to renew, it will just rebill when game time on the account runs out. There is an option in Account Management you need to use when you need to update your card without impacting that subscription. It should check if that card is valid, but that should be $1, as Trancezero mentioned.

Biggulpshuh, if that doesn’t clear up soon you might want to contact your bank and double check what that charge was. If it actually charged you, our Support staff should be able to help correct it.


Aye, but similarly for OP’s case when changing payment methods or if someone was re-subscribing with a previous non-renewing subscription still ticking down? Definitely a welcome change, if so!

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Yes, on this account and no i Dont see anything on the transaction page. What and where is this option to use when changing cards? I tried going to payment method but it wouldnt let me change default.