Was it always so toxic?

You’re just being ridiculous and you know it. Go reevaluate yourself for your sake.

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Why do you think it’s necessary for people to buff constantly in lowbie dungeons? I get it makes things ever so slightly faster but in no scenario will it make the difference between succeeding and not. You’re trying to uphold a standard that is unrealistic for some. Lots of people play this game, from kids to old people to disabled people. Not saying OP is any of that but for crying out loud, it doesn’t always have to be this way pal.

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Honestly it doesn’t even matter if he buffed or didnt buff or whatever. They used him for his role. Well played or not, because they needed it. And then kicked him afterwards to intentionally cause him trouble.

You don’t want to play with someone because of whatever reason, fine. Doesn’t justify being a jerk.

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Welcome to Classic, where people believe that internet anonymity gives them a free pass to be the AH at will and laugh about it. The level of elitism from grey parsing scrubs and regurgitation of straight up hatred and toxicity because they read some forum from 20 years ago is high enough you’d think they were talking politics, not playing a game.


Just my two copper but I think it mostly has to do with how the game development has progressed.

In the long long ago the game was centered around intermittent reinforcement, you would play and on occasion you would get a boost like leveling or getting a gear drop or any other number of examples, it wasn’t guaranteed and was a pleasant milestone to make your time in game feel productive and like you were making progress.

Over time the game has shifted to a continuous reinforcement style in which almost every action leads to a reward and rewards are guaranteed and expected, everyone can easily clear every raid, everyone expects to get constant upgrades and reinforcement.

This leads to diminishing returns and third parties stepping in to take over the cycle and provide tools to maintain the constant feed. This also leads people to overestimate their abilities because they are engaged with the game and it is giving them things.

When things don’t go their way they have to find a reason that doesn’t invalidate all their progress and doesn’t remove the game as a reinforcement tool so they have to find people to blame.

In my opinion World of Warcraft is where the United states was in the mid 80’s with self esteem focus and participation trophies, with everyone feeling like they are the star of the show so you can’t really blame them for having main character syndrome, Bliz hasn’t been the best at raising children unfortunately.

It can be seen in the hard reserve for instance, no one can stand doing a raid and not winning things, dropping a group because you see there will be loot competition, so people go outside the system and guarantee loot with money etc. buncha snowflakes haha and the cycle keeps getting faster, once again diminishing returns.

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The mage was a bot

Personally, I think that’s always been the case to a certain degree. I recall terrible experiences before. I recall terrible experiences recently. It is much harder to recall good experiences, but I do remember some. So, it’s not all bad.

That being said, I think you might be starting to realize why so many people play MMOs like single-player RPGs. There are always a small minority of players who are an absolutely awful toxic sludge on a community. Hell, you’ll probably see 50% of those in the forums alone. Try to make ANY suggestion that they think is bad? They’ll come after you like attack rabid attack dogs. They contribute nothing, but teardown everything. Chaotic evil.

Was it worse before? I don’t believe so. The embittered and selfish players were always there, but since they haven’t changed in real life, they were probably “rewarded” by karma and became even more embittered/selfish.

It’s nature to easily recall the worst experiences, especially recent ones. I might be hopeless in thinking that it is a tiny minority… like a drop of toxic acid on an otherwise great canvas. Either way, it’s no wonder that such a massive quantity of playerbase in EVERY MMO prefers to simply have a single-player RPG with people in the background. That single drop will burn right through ya.

OMG I had no pally buff for 0.01 seconds!!! The sky has fallen, my life will never be the same!!! I feel light headed, oh where in the world is my fainting couch!

Lighten up guy, it’s a game.


buff everyone, including yourself
once your 5 minute buff expires, buff everyone again

why does this require an addon :expressionless:

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As I’m sure Nimbell is after this one. :slight_smile:

5 minute buffs are just toxic af by nature. Blizzard needs to increase it to 30 minutes

I definitely don’t remember it being this toxic in the game when Vanilla originally launched. There was definitely some toxicity out there and some real rude people in the game but these days that toxicity seems way more common. These days people can’t even wait (i.e. just do their own thing) for 30 mins before wanting to leave a group because a tank can’t be found whereas back in the day people were happy to wait until a tank or healer could be found.

There’s one guild on my server that invites absolutely everyone who isn’t in a guild, you should see the stuff they say in chat. Heaps of racist and sexist stuff, I’ve been told the GM also brags in Discord about cheating on his wife or saying he’ll cheat on her or something (who is also in their guild). Never saw that kind of thing back in the day.

IMO people are just more toxic in general, you can see it with how the world has changed.


Oh man that’s really terrible. You wouldn’t happen to know their guild name, would you? I’d hate to see someone join it and see the chat for themselves…

nice feet on Maladath. I’d say they’re quite notorious for being a guild full of edgelords.

I ended up leaving and joining a new guild which reminded me of the guild I was in back in the day, wholesome and lots of dad jokes in gchat. I join groups with people from the guild semi-often and when I ask them what they think of the guild they say it’s horrible lol.