About min-maxing—I joined Ony today as a PUG. After the raid, I checked the guild’s Discord raiding rules tab, and holy moly, everything is so serious. For example, after every raid, they check logs to ensure you used certain consumables for a required percentage of time. If not, you get kicked from the guild
Pretty normal for guilds to set expectations. They don’t usually kick for not meeting them, though. I don’t know a single guild that does that, they just bench you and give you less loot when you do show up for not following the rules you agreed to. But the rule itself of “Come prepared or be prioritized over for loot” is very common.
no i play rogue in anniversary
Now, somewhere between the sacred silence!
You’re playing on Anniversary server, set that down and come play on Classic Era, the PvE seever is Mankirk, the RP server is Grobbulus, and the PvP server is Whitemane.
The experience is really actually very good, everyone is chill.
The problem you’re having is the anniversary community itself is mostly fried, so I say drop them and come play on Era servers… When you select server (same game) its an option type.
Come join up and have fun.
I agree for raid but disagree for dungeon and especially for PvP if you’re looking to be actually effective. To play optimally in PvP and in reality dungeon also the 5min buffs and rotating buffs based on situation changes to extract every last drop of efficiency, pally power holds you back because it cripples the players growth in key mapping and knowing when and what buffs are best in certain circumstances.
The reason I agree with its use in raid is because raid is so 1 dimensional and people freak out over buff limits.
One, there are no gen z playing this game. Two, as time goes on, more and more millennials are pulling this ‘the next generation is so awful’ crap. It’s embarrassing and has been embarrassing every time a generation does it.
it’s not about old generation or new kids, it’s all about how people attitude shift when it comes to money.
-when people used to play the game for playing the game you could find some toxic players but the majority was just playing for fun not caring what you do and so they was not over doing/saying things.
-BUT NOW since the majority play for irl benefits if they sell gold/items/boosts/service/accounts/stream/ or what so ever for real cash, it’s not a game play ground anymore, it’s just a job where everyone will step on you for their own benefits and this is why they are being toxic.
for example here is one case so check how this person re-acted over 5g worth of item
probably because gold is valued for real cash this days, and the game is filled with such cases where people treat each other very badly over items &their funniest excuse is “do not waste my time” as if running dungeon or raid is not a waste of time in the first place!!! so they cry when they wipe, they’re too dumb… they can’t even realize that game is supposed to waste time or maybe they are real money traders.
I think i can agree , in a 5 man dungeon , pally power isnt really necessary, especially in a low dungeon like SM . I have a conspiracy that people who cant do higher end content in retail ,come to classic to min/max .
By some of these replies , i should be mad everytime a mage doesnt automatically trade water when i heal a dungeon .
You’re making a lot of assumptions about somebody over one wow forum post. Like, I could assume you’re the kinda guy that would walk into a Starbucks strapped because you’re Billy big ego and think you’ll be the ‘hero’ and everyone will thank you for saving them from a lunatic. Instead, you’re just freaking people out. There’s a time and a place for elitism, SCARLET freaking MONASTERY isn’t one of them.
FRESH, GDKP enjoyers, parse lords, and perpetually toxic players suffer from inferiority complex.
They have a constant need to prove their superiority in order to validate themselves and their lives.
actual vanilla was NEVER even close to this level of toxicity.
2019 was toxic as hell. anniversary doesnt seem as bad as 2019 classic tho so far but to be fair i ended up quitting in 2019 around this time in phases a bit before bwl was released
Asking a Paladin to buff people is not elitism, it is the even less than the bare minimum. Can we please stop carebearing people that are so sensitive that they can’t handle being asked to play their class in the group they were invited to for the role of playing said extremely basic and easy role?
If he wants to be the main character ret DPS (Like 99% of other Paladins) that’s fine, but I’m not grouping with him lol
Nah, we’re not going to stop treating people like humans because it’s a video game.
For the last time: This is a video game.
If you can’t treat your fellow peers with respect then playing a MMO is not for you. Stick to a single player game so you no longer have to worry about whether strangers are playing up to your standards or not.
Have the day you deserve.
I agree with this part.
But not this part. Anniversary was far worse than 2019 Classic. SoD was really bad too, except on the lower pop servers which were pretty good. Then Blizz locked and killed them.
Megaservers = more toxicity. It’s that simple.
Tyler1 - One of the most famous people on the interwebs
Tyler1 - One of the most toxic people on the interwebs.
Connection is there.
100% Agree. He should not be playing MMOs if he cannot handle communication and advice from other players. There’s single player games, and GDKPs in certain versions of wow.
I can only imagine telling my group I do not buff and their response being “Well you are a human being and deserve the day you deserve”
What kind of care bear disney movie is this? Just download the addon that vets promise makes the game better. Being so purposely obtuse is just childish.
If I went to work and told my boss I am no longer going to be programming anything for them because it’s toxic that they expect me to, I would be fired on the spot lmao
Elitism is kicking someone from a group because they don’t have an addon or defending it. He didn’t say he wasn’t buffing people, just that he wasn’t willing to download an addon. You don’t have to group with him but don’t defend being a jerk to people. Also, what does “less than the bare minimum” mean?
I’ve played this rodeo, a LOT of Paladins try to play selfishly and for some reason hate the sheer concept of PallyPower (Despite how it makes the class so much more fun and stronger group-wise)
Every single time we have had to ask our Pally if they have pally power has stemmed from the same scenario of all 4 party members having to ask for buffs multiple times every 5 minutes, only to get wrong buffs, non refreshed buffs once again, and snarky remarks from the Paladin.
It is better for literally everyone to just get that addon. It’s wild to me how against addons some people are.
Don’t play with others if you are refusing to play the game and listen to anything others have to say. That’s what single player games are for.
As in the minimum standard for a group member is not just buffing. If they can’t even buff a group, they aren’t even doing the slightest amount of effort possible. They’re just wanting to be carried and not realize they’re doing 10 DPS and being a hinderance to the group.
Are you playing on Nightslayer? PvP servers are going to be more generally toxic than PvE servers just due to the nature of people who like always on PvP and the like, and while there’s definitely plenty of toxic people on Dreamscythe.
My experience has been surprisingly good overall and nothing major to say, a few moments here and there but nothing big on Dreamscythe. In terms of toxicity of the entire player base regardless of server.
I would say no, I doubt things have gotten that more toxic compared to original vanilla and onward. Maybe a little bit over the years but overall, I rather doubt it. Even if it truly has, it’s not because of younger players, the amount of younger people playing classic WoW in 2025 I guess would be basically a zero percentage compared to the average.
Which is mostly men between the ages of probably 25-45. If you’re toxic when you’re young, a lot of players stay toxic when they get older.