Was I good or evil

I mean, I killed those dragons and whelps.
But also,
I killed those dragons and whelps.


You were the worst, and for your crimes we sentence you to 20,000 years of doing maw dailies.


And helping night elves.


All while worshipping Elune and washing Tyrande feet after every daily done.

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Guilty. Guilty.

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10 chars

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Mid at best.


Honestly Maw would suck so bad without players to grief.

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We have however an Ace Attorney for you
be kind, you’re his first case.


Objection! He clearly deserves being sentenced to making an Ace Attorney Case on Objection.lol(details on https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Website/ObjectionLol )where Phoenix Wright defends the Joker by going up against the Joker!

The Prosecutor must be the Joker impersonating the non existent Maximillion Von Karma who never lost a case for far longer than Manfred Von Karma did(on the technicality that he won via Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity).

The Judge must immediately decide that obviously the Prosecutor is going to turn out to be the Joker and thus declare him the Defendant not that it stops the Joker from trying to get himself declared Guilty.

Unfortunately before the Case even starts Phoenix Wright is made aware by Batman of the Joker Infected, is given the Joker Infected Blood, is shown 4 of them including the supposedly immune Henry Adams(who is only merely immune to the Titan Formula while the rest are dying and thus have every reason to reveal themselves and go out in a blaze of glory) and informed of Bruce Wayne being a not yet captured Joker Infected.

The Joker Infected including Henry Adams are suspiciously on the Jury incidentally.

In otherwords the Ace Attorney case that Dreadmoore is sentenced to create for his crime of killing Whelps and Dragons demands that the Prosecutor be proven innocent. The piece of Evidence that will prove the Prosecutor Not Guilty isn’t the Joker Infected Blood though but the Schematics for the Jokerizing Microchip(ala Batman Beyond) which should send the Judge(who is wearing Judge Joker’s Powdered Wig from Batman The Animated Series) into a Breakdown causing the beard to fall off and his Body to change into Judge Joker.

You think that you can finish your sentence for killing whelps and dragons right there don’t you? Think again! The Batman will show up expose Maximillion Von Karma as the Joker and mention that the Wayne Household was murdered by Joker Toxin and he suspects Maximillion Von Karma to be Bruce Wayne!

To win Phoenix must use Batman’s Profile as Evidence causing Batman’s Spirit to appear next to Phoenix Wright as he accuses Batman(Who Laughs) of being Bruce Wayne under the mask causing Batman to transform laughing into Batman Who Laughs then start dying from the Titan-infected Blood(alongside the Jury except for Henry Adams) revealing the whole Trial was Joker’s attempt to join the Batman in the grave even up to prosecuting himself.

Yes. This is the Trial that Dreadmoore is sentenced to make on the objection.lol for the heinous crime of killing whelps and dragons!


Dear Goddess what have I unleashed?


Was Drahliana good or evil?

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Evil. Evil as sin. Most evil force for evil that the universe… Nay, the multiverse has ever seen.

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Hey, he should get a medal for that.

Yeah, evil

He must join the NEFPA and promote/organize protests for 4 expansions.


were the many whelps evil? they only just hatched and immediately we handled it

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No, the whelps were babies and we murdered them after forcing them to wake up.

We are the evil ones.

If a sun made of good hit a sun made of evil, what would happen? Could they beat a sun made of lions?