"Warthin" is the abbreviation we are going with?

I refuse to ever use that abbreviation. I will not bow.
I will call it “WoW tWSS: tWW”. 0101010

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Wrathion and Anduin said it’s warthin time!
And then they just warthed all over the place.

Ya gonna stick to just Wart or Twarth tbh.


Maybe we can call it Win :sweat_smile:


Wait, what?! You-…you’re using the Discipline priest artifact appearance on a Holy priest mog? For shame!

Actually, so does my holy priest… :smirk:

The community should be calling it:

The Grand Ultimate Battle Inside the Thing that it is In

Why take away words and letters when you can add more??



We’ll shorten that to ‘Gubiti’. Still better than Warthin.

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I work with the elderly so I keep reading Warthin as Warfarin.

Nah it’s TWW, just like DF, MoP, WoD etc

Edit: you can probably even go WSS1, WSS2 for the next exp and WSS3 for the final chapter in the saga

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I guess calling it WIN is far and away what the game has become.

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I only agree to this or win if we don’t have w in that wSS. I would agree to call it SS1, 2 or 3 because I w is a bad letter to be used in acronyms.

Warthin sounds like a generic for Warfarin, the blood thinning drug lol So it may help prevent that aneurysm.

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Yep, the holy priest artifact looks too Draenei esque, doesn’t suit the dwarven aesthetic

It’s what happens when you mix Warfarin with Wheat Thins.

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WW is already taken by a monk spec.

TWW makes more sense.

Similar to TBC.

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While true, given context in which each would be used, I think it’s fine if it’s shared. Generally people will know whether you’re talking about the spec or the expansion depending on the conversation it’s used in.

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TWW is fine. It sounds a little bit like an airline, but heck in the last expansion the capital city was an airport so…


But then somebody will look at said abbreviation and for a quick second not realize what it means. Hence why it’s better for it to be separated.

And in the context of this game, I can think of something else that could share abbreviations but doesn’t, and that would be random and rated BG’s.

Nobody ever uses the term “RBG” when referring to random battlegrounds. People go out of their way to separate them to prevent confusion.

Any initialism with w esp ww is bad. Hence I prefer short form or win, war, warthin, warth, twarth or my favourite within.

Warcraft : Within sounds awesome

Due to the feedback from the general public, the Board has rescinded its previous statement and would not change their preferred pet name of the War Within to Waithin from Warthin.

Thus, at this juncture, the preferred nomenclature for the War Within is Warthin. This name will remain indefinitely because the consensus did not accept the previous thread arbritation.

Sounds like a blood thinner lol

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