Warsong is unplayable on Warsong Weekend

The damage reduction have made flag carriers miserable to kill. Any have decent druid carrier with an offspec healer is basically immortal.


Who woulda thought a 50% damage nerf could do such a thing


i cant even imagine how bad wsg is omg


our feral could already self heal through 2-3 melee while flag carrying, cant imagine what it must be like now

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Imagine popping a FAP… it’s absolutely moronic!

its almost like WSG is a team oriented battleground, which includes teammate. you wanting to be Goku 24/7 and solo everything is the issue. this community is absolutely fried and i really hope blizz continues to challenge it’s low skill playerbase so that one day yall will gradually increase in pvp skill.


Maybe they’ll add a timer to WSG now.


My thoughts exactly.

ab isn’t any better you basically can perma spin flags with all the healing

warsong is unplayable period.

don’t waste your time, it’s really bad.

if you want rep, grind ashenvale, if you want honor, grind AB

You’re right, that is the issue. It’s exactly what a feral flag carrier can do now!

Loving that this change makes 5 man premades even more unstoppable in WSG as well. A 5 man premade with a druid FC and a couple healers basically takes over the game. PuG teams with no healers have 0 chance. It isn’t even a game.


sounds like a premade issue

WSG games with a druid who is spamming consumes and knows the jumps vs games that don’t have that are night and day.

Needs to be a 30 min timer and the match ends. Need to fix the jumps. Need to put a debuff on whoever holds the flag that they take more and more damage the longer the flag has been from the enemy base.


The fact that WSG still has no timer limit is insane. It’s entirely possible to hold a game hostage with a good feral + 1 healer for literally hours.

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Flag carriers take set-up to kill, which requires critical thinking and group coordination. It’s been immensely more enjoyable now.

The timer ruined warsong in WOTLK and is extremely unpopular among the vanilla fanbase. Long neck and neck games are a lot of fun. P1 premade v premade games that lasted a long time where by far some of the most enjoyable experiences in SoD thus far.

Lol I cant even imagine going into wsg with dmg reduc. Bad enough that its always a druid doing the tunnel shuffle all game.

No just need to remove that boaring 50% damage nerf. The jumps are what separate the good FCs from the bad ones. And adding damage to the flag over time is so boaring. Sounds like you want retail WSG

The jumps were obviously never intended, they were removed later. They are also a barrier to entry for those that don’t know about them or how to do them. It is a stupid way to have advantage over other players imo at least.


The jumps are a terrain exploit.


The fact that some player models have more difficulty or are even unable to get to some of the top of the tunnel areas is also dumb… but people will go out of there way to justify it saying you “should get noggenfoggers ez fix duh”