Warsong Horde Reconnections

I really don’t have any sites I use. You could add my Battletag. To confirm it is you who is adding me and not someone else who is browsing the forums and runs across my tag, please tell me what your job was while we played together. You told me about it a lot, so I clearly remember it. My battletag is Khaltazar#1357.

Rorydog!!! <3 You were alliance as well. Don’t try to hide it :stuck_out_tongue:

So much fun to see some of these names :slight_smile: Xarxet is still on Warsong, back then some of us raided with a group called Pugraid, led by Ghettopriest and Asgor. I was a Tauren, but I am now Goblin and have no regrets, I <3 my rocket boots, lol.

Your mage’s name is super familiar. Does Avarice ring any bells? Was that even this server? I don’t know.

Yes!! Avarice was the second guild I joined shortly after hitting 60.

The day I joined we did MC and downed everybody up to Rag. I recorded our first Rag kill too. Pretty sure I have it somewhere.

Raziel - UD Priest
Blitz - UD Rogue

Anyone remember the guild run by husband and wife in MC and broke up in BWL? Wife’s character name was Dairylicious and was a Tauren Druid. Husband was an enh sham with Sulfaras. I believe his brother was a warrior. I was a resto sham back then just trying to remember the guild name and see if anyone is coming back.

Hey Sham! We’re going on Thalnos. See you there?

I am going to play a Priest and a Rogue on Thalnos. See you there?

I am glad you had fun with us! See you in Classic?

I remember Dairy! I think her husband’s name was Alteredfaith maybe? and Wreckage was the warrior brother? They were in Pugraid with us for awhile (that was made up of a bunch of players from different guilds.) I still occasionally quote Dairy…We were in Naxx and she told everyone “Fire=Bad” lol.

It was definitely in the barrens! And if you find yourself on Fairbanks let me know I’ll be there as horde!

Zilly its Scission! Where is Ghettopriest! Maverick! Tsunade!

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I haven’t seen them in years. Asgor joined Xarxet and was leading our raids for awhile years ago, up until Pandaland maybe? He moved and was living with a woman he met from the guild, they transferred and started their own guild at one point, but I think that’s been over for awhile now and I haven’t heard anything since. It’s good to ‘see’ you, I have many fond memories of those days :smile:

OMG asgor ! I missed those days! They were great!

Harrymason - tauren druid

Splintered Orcs Clan

Was looking for maybe Gorthak, Crall, Treesma, Trollami, Imagination or other core raiders!

Pessoal da antiga Shadow Fate no Warsong, procure no Thalnos se estiver interessado em entrar na guilda

Pleople from old Shadow Fate on Warsong, look for us at Thalnos if you are interrested in join the guild

Bonkotsu here! Tauren hunter back then

Ahaha, we might have been in the same raid :slight_smile:
I’ll be over on Skeram. Feel free to add me

I’m playing as Galactus on Kurinnaxx now