Warsong Horde Reconnections

Dorog, Guild Lords of Kalimdor then went to Belatoris Domini

Sup Holymonkey, Should play on Mankrik, this is Dorog

Hey Scission and Zilly, its Rococo from PUGraids :smiley: Know if anyone is working on classic? It’d be fun to play with all you guys again! Sethalias, Deadhand, Maverick and Tsunadex, Rocco, Elizadeath. Asgor and Ghetto/Phoz :smiley:

Hey Philo, this Rococo from Warsong. I had a hunter friend in Manic called Oridus. You know if he still plays? ty :slight_smile:

Evanescent, Bellatoris Domini. Dorog, did you stay in touch with any of the old BD team?

Hey Evanescent, I have not stayed in touch with any BD unfortunately. Was hoping to reconnect with them if they got on WoW Classic. been a long time man.

Malbolsha, Undead Rogue here. But I probably made more enemies than friends with that toon back then :slight_smile:

I was a member of Bleu Bawlz (sp) and I think Sinister Swarm.

I’m wondering if a paladin named Avatar remembers me ganking the sh*t out of him in Western Plaguelands. He was the only one on the realm with Sulfuras at the time. <3

What happened to this realm anyway? How did it get overrun by BRs?

Ultranatos, Troll, Hunter
Tier II

Yeah, I’ve been playing with the same char, in the same guild, since 2004.

Troll Priest
Yathuren > Dark Yathuren > Ronin > Deadly Vipers > Tier II

I user to be killed by Alliance everywhere. Not safe to be Priest in healing Spec playing solo. It was easy to find groups to make dungeons though.


Warrior Tank and Shammy Healer lol

Ronin> Deadly Vipers >Tier II


Hey Dorog,

This is Gaboo, a bunch of the guys from BD are playing on Incendius Horde. Think Holymoly and Gloomage have a guild there.

My name was Onasis, Orc Shaman. Was originally in Lords of Kalimdor, then switched to No Skill. Did a lot of PvP and raided with No Skill before transferring to Surmar with RL friends.

Currently on Heartseeker playing a Nelf hunter named Allnaturals.

Holymonkey, if you are reading this, I remember you. Blast from the past man.

Bit late to the party I know, but my guy on Warsong was Kaliptus - undead priest.

Started in vanilla, ended up in TBC! Guilds were South Central, Very Honest People and a couple others, all pvp related lol.

I see Kelb and Hardivh from there in this thread. Fala galera :slight_smile:

I’m an undead rogue in Herod (horde) now.

yo, do you know the guild name or character names?

Fenaniku - 60 Shaman Just seeing whose still alive out there. lol

The guilds name is Countdown, and I think there current toons are named the same.

Hulkadore here. Am an orc enhancement shaman on Warsong from Vanilla to today still. Just looking for anyone that remembers me and my oldest friends like Compshoes or Hannity.