Warsong Gulch War Games

I’ma go ahead and reiterate for you bohzo




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This won’t end well. Oh dear.

Thanks for the notice. Wargames are cool, live it up.

Skipping WSG as a druid? Honestly even with these “exploits” you are missing out on possibly the funnest experience you will ever have as a druid in classic. I highly recommend at least giving a flag running build a try for a few weeks.

Now would be the time for the surprised Pikachu - it has been confirmed to be intended.

EDIT: nevermind, I see it was already done.

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Got you, fam.

Keep no changes up until after Naxx. After Naxx, do whatever with the game. Add wargames, open up new dungeons, new zones, etc…Some would say that this is TBC but keeping things within Azeroth and not having flying mounts would be a great way to expand the Classic lifespan. There are a few places that have never been addressed (locked up SW area with a swirling instance, Old IF) that would prove to be great content.

I really like the idea of Wargames though, I hit rank 13 in Vanilla and always wished for a more compeititve PvP system. BC was a nice touch but I really love the Vanilla platform and think it would be really great.

Wall jumping was in vanilla … so I guess they decided its not an exploit , more like unintended game mechanics.
I don’t like it either, the druid flag stuff in warsong gulch is so dumb. you should have to run up the fricken middle or close.

That style of playing isn’t world of Warcraft , people who find cheap ways to win is lame, pvp isn’t pvp anymore its more like well how can we afk or exploit or lose to win.

All bugs are not bad bugs.

A good example I use is Street Fighter II - the links that allowed for combos were not intended in the game, but they are the reason fighting games have become so complex and competitive today.

Jumps in Warsong are just accepted as part of the competitive end of it, and to be honest they add a lot more depth to how the game is played at a competitive level.