Warsong Gulch Exit Portal Removal

Ok so can you make it so WSG BG premaders face each other exclusively now? It can’t be that hard. I just want to solo q WSG without having to ghost in the GY 60% of the time.


Great change.

For those wanting #nochanges - stop exploiting/breaking the game forcing their hand.


People will do what they can to win. How can this be something that “no one could have predicted”? Get your head out of your posterior, my dude.

I already said ducking ques was bad. Mass ques got groups so that group PVP could happen in the largest GROUP battleground. I missed the days of the rush when they first opened BG’s in classic because of work and life at the time. So Most of my BG’s were BATTLES to get through. But they were COORDINATED, with people who WANTED to put in the effort. The second stage, the que scrambling, prevented that. I enjoy a good scrap to earn my points. I don’t like waiting in a que to watch 25 people run out and die, 5 really try to earn points for the team, and 10 botters sit AFK. I report those all the time for all the good it does, even send cheating reports for the ones I see doing it often. Doesn’t matter.

The anger people are expressing about not being able to grief other’s should be surprising, but it is not anymore. We’ve seen the same people defend hour-long graveyard camping, Mass Right-Click reporting and this…some people just want an excuse to be miserable to others.

Thankfully Blizzard has made its stand preserving the spirit of Vanilla, a shame it launched with Cross-Server Queuing though.


This I agree with. Don’t get me wrong, I’m anti griefing. I just find it really weird WHICH griefs they seem to be ok with and which ones they’ll take steps to stop.

The problem is the player base is 98% horrible on the alliance side…

The horde are not much better either, they’re 75% bad…

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Can we remove right click reporting? Premades abuse it to kick puggers.

I think they have been in triage-mode right now, the raw scale of griefing going on required them to pick and choose and go down the list. They’re probably not fine with any of the forms of griefing, but can only do so-much so-fast.


Gotta be honest, I don’t think anybody saw the queue dodging and AV premading being as prevalent as they were.

This portal issue was more foreseeable though.

Caving in? You no changes cry babies are the ones holding the community back from enjoyable gameplay just quit and go back to your private servers.


I have been all over these forums telling people this would happen too lol.


that was how people tried to defend this tactic of griefing. I hope they all get a 72 hour ban or worse! Plenty of time to choke down some crow.


They could hire GMs to warn and ban the individuals doing that, but blizz has been cutting staff to make that dosh so this is the cheap fix we get.

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Authentic the meaning : of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine.

Thank you Mr Hazzikostas for completely F N up this classic project. Your words are really genuine and the direction of this recreation of possibly the greatest MMO in gaming history is disturbing.

Please just resign your position. You are a failure to the wow community and the current dev team. You were never fit to captain and sail the ship…

As much as you wake up everyday dreaming to be like Metzen…you will never be like him…EVER !!!

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How exactly does one side avoid pvp without the other side doing the same? It takes two. Pvp isn’t avoidable if some one decides to attack you.

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I’ve been playing video games for 15 years now, not a single one I’ve played has purposefully allowed other players to force others to exit the game without it being an exploit… The portal is there because in vanilla WoW when BG’s were first released, there was no battle master and the queue timer on your mini map wasn’t interactive. To queue for a BG you had to fly to ashenvale and WALK into the WSG portal to queue, and if you haven’t guessed it already, the only way to EXIT the BG was to use the portal. The portal being active is merely something they didn’t find necessary to attend to due to time constraints and the fact that it wasn’t being abused as heavily as it is now.


You’re missing the point.

Like I said, what is unintended is not necessarily considered an exploit. Let’s take a look at Street Fighter, for example.

In early versions of Street Fighter, combos were not intended functionality of the game. They could have easily been considered an exploit because they were not intended. Instead the developers embraced the meta and began intentionally developing them into their games.

The only real difference between unintended features and exploits is what the developers deem them to be. In Blizzard’s case it seems to usually be whatever people incessantly complain about in the forums is deemed an exploit.

That’s because it’s alliance doing it, not Horde. I only have 276 games of WSG played, barely 1/10th of yours and I’ve seen alliance try to MC someone out of the portal in at least a dozen games.

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how can you be upset with this hotfix? good god, these forums are retarded.


The comments I’ve read in this thread so far reiterates to me the fact that the community is destroying this game for a second time, not the developers.
It’s a shame really.