Warsong Gulch Exit Portal Removal

a risky location of the map just became the safest location to hold the enemy flag, I’d say that has a pretty big impact on how people play wsg

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That’s ok. The graveyard should be a safe location for flag holding. Working as intended.

Was fun while it lasted I guess.

not the graveyard, the graveyard already is a safe place for flag holding, the portal even further beyond the graveyard. now you will have to walk all the way through the graveyard to kill FCs, and rezzers will spawn right ontop of your ranged. it’s a pretty big change that’s a buff to defense.

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Not a big issue. Doesnt warrant retaining the griefing aspect of giving people deserter debuffs.

I’m over here dying laughing at all the people who said that this wasn’t an exploit. Some people are just… dull.


someone got booted out a bg because WOTF was on cooldown and we changed it

man the bias is too hard

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if you get mc’d out of AV YOU SUCK

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it was happening pretty regularly when premades were cave camping

Ya know. I even looked it up to be sure. NO, you do NOT get extra honor for your LT’s and Commanders being up. I DO fight, every damned game, to get people to try to get out of SHGY and go for them. But, oh wait, Horde push to SHGY… then farm it. Often not even attempting to cap it. Why bother when they can pen all the Alliance that don’t understand ghostwalk up and farm them?

Yeah. Got into a game the other day where Horde was cave farming alliance. Alliance had no GY’s, game was at 25 minutes, and they had been just farming the cave. The EXACT behavior Blizz DID make changes to stop, was going on. So again, you guys deserve the ques YOU created.

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Premades were a counter. Some of the groups ducked ques, which was bad juju. They fixed that, which was good. Then, they took the extra step of scrambling mass ques. Now they not only have to take their que pop and hope, but even an attempt at getting large groups to coordinate are fruitless. So again, every countermeasure taken to the crapshow is crapped ON.

Oh look. A priest upset.


They weren’t fine. Blizzard can’t fix all exploits at once. Clearly it was addressed a certain time however. Which means it was an exploit


I am sorry, that your game is being ruined. Some Horde and yes even Alliance do despicable things. But I just can’t try to be nice anymore. I have been told to kill myself by both sides, so I am done in the forums and when my game time is over I am done with wow for the 2nd time in my life.

Blizzard can’t make certain changes without pissing off some people and when they do change they piss off other people. This game is just to toxic.

There’s a lot of gray area when it comes to what constitutes an exploit. Unintended gameplay is not necessarily the same thing.

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Great change, I’ve seen so many Alliance premades use this to 100% grief other players, it was actually extremely widespread. My only issue with this is that Blizzard isn’t banning these players. Blizzard needs to make these idiots 100% aware that their garbage private server antics wont be tolerated by ACTUAL GMs that ACTUALLY get paid. Not some malnourished slav in a basement, shilling donation gear.

Cause these private server kids are so skilled they used donation weapons, LOL

Except that when you avoid PVP you’re not really doing PVP… So why would you be there?

It’s an honest and genuine question.

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In the context of a video game, it’s usually not difficult to determine what is and is not an exploit. A game function (e.g. exit portals) are generally created with a specific purpose in mind. It is possible that it was designed to be used to force the opposition into losing players “permanently”, but that seems like a stretch of plausibility. It’s about as much of a grey area as believing that hacks are part of the devs intention because it’s obviously possible to do it.


They already did