Warsong Gulch Exit Portal Removal

Thank you for helping the Horde Blizzard! As always it’s appreciated.

“Game breaking” lol you fun


The foolish thing here is not understanding that the door is now wide open for any change, not just the ones that you personally think are “good”. Mark this thread - incoming game breaking changes, and an inevitable tsunami of them.

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Not at all true. That’s your own opinionated assumption. They put a stop to some toxic behavior… that’s not opening doors to game breaking changes.

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Seems about right.

Be a real man and roll Horde

Except they haven’t made any actual gameplay changes so far. They’ve made a handful of changes that targetted very specific exploits/griefing. For example this change will be unnoticeable to anyone who wasn’t griefing or on the receiving end of said griefing.


Its not.
Horde still wins 90% of the time in asia.
Quit lying, it will improve your life.

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with a level 48 in retail?

I made like 100 wsgs, seen it in at least 20 wsgs.

I have noticed a massive change - i can run the flag down the portal side of the gy now and not have any concerns of being exited.

This. Players can still mind control enemies to the portal and stand them there, they can fear those players and keep them out of the fight but they can no longer force a player to exit the bg and prevent them for joining another for 15 mins.

Anyone complaining about this change should be actioned automatically for harrassment imo. Drop that hammer.


Not, it doesnt. It requires one skill or 1 enginner. Thats all. Nice try.

They were not intended to take people out of a BG whitout their and the team consensus.


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You must be new here. Some of us have been around games, and Blizzard in particular, longer than a few patches. The hardest part about that is listening to you guys rant and rage against arguments that this has all happened before, and will again, and expect those of us who suffered through the first few times to take your denials seriously.

I’ve bookmarked this post and will return to it when the inevitable happens - if I’m still subbed at that point.

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Whats the inevitable?

Read the entire thread.

Lmao, what a hero. IVe bOOkmaRkED tHiS pOSt :+1:t3::muscle:t2:

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Gees Beta, pick a side. Your post history is bipolar.

I have been - you still crying about changes to a game. Changes designed to reduce/remove toxic behaviour against other paying customers.

Run back to your private server like you discussed 14 days ago.


Not here to pick sides. But by all means, you kids keep doing that.

It wasn’t the posts that made them change it. It was the tickets being put in. Can’t have a skeleton crew customer service answering “exploit” tickets.

Just thought id quote my previous statement.