Warsong Gulch Exit Portal Removal

Not using them in fair ways?

If fairness was a huge concern AV would be fixed

Oh, this is great.


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When Ion spoke about MC, he specifically stated using it to make people fall off the STV and Menethil boats. That was what he was talking about.

Not this causing people to have a 15 minute deserter debuff for sh*ts and giggles.

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Man, I seriously rustled your jimmies didn’t I? Tell me how I did it. I’d like to understand my power.

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It’s pretty apparent that Classic is not and never was gonna be a true recreation of Vanilla. When they decided to use 1.12 as the starting point, the Vanilla experience was never gonna be in Classic.

If you honestly believe it is a legitimate Priest strat to MC grief people out of the battleground, then you’re part of the problem. Blizzard making minor changes like this are the solution we need to people like you.


I’m old enough to remember when the #NoChanges crowd would have lost their collective marbles over any changes at all, no matter what it was.

I predict only the most lukewarm response to this.

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one day later:

Hilarious stuff.


A bitter, bitter man.

Nothing there is inconsistent anyway. Read my other posts on the implications of the first non-Vanilla changes. Blizzard have broken the seal, and doomed Classic now. It’s just a matter of time. As I said earlier, I’ll play until this rot reaches over into PvE.

None of which answers my question Galdor. How did I manage such a rustling from you? It’s impressive.

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When will you realize this isnt true vanilla server. We’re playing a blizzard private server.

Even tho I dont see a downside to this you have to ask where the line is. The amount of changes in the past month have been concerning


people are cheating and exploiting as much as they can in ways that didn’t happen in vanilla. to get this back to “the spirit of vanilla” certain things have to happen. if people would stop cheating then there’d be less changes.


While i have sympathy for the statement, i think 1st you’d have to get people to stop pushing things to a level of problematic that did not exist in vanilla.

We create a lot of our own issues.


No - you wanted a mueseum piece - the devs have always stated classic+ or tbc would grow from classic if enough of the playerbase wanted it.

If you really wanted #nochanges - players needed to not exploit/break everyone elses gametime. Having/not having a portal in a bg is a non issue - unless players abuse mechanics in game to force people out of it. Its that simple.



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Mind controlling people out of WSG portals is something that happened in vanilla. Graveyard camping people in AV happened in vanilla. Premading AV happened in vanilla (via addons). What was even the point of the “warts and all” comment made if the less savory parts of the game just get changed?
I want to stress that I agree with the individual basis’ of these changes but the moment you make these changes you have to ask why they are being so selective in their changes. Why are all these anti griefing changes happening yet low-mid level quest hubs still completely devoid of meaningful guards? Why was graveyard camping nerfed yet flightpath camping remains? Why did they triple player populations yet keep resource rates the same?

I would strongly prefer they just dont make any changes at all even if in instances like these they are unarguably positive ones, not necessarily because of a slippery slope but because it puts in stark contrast other aspects of the game that could use attention but dont get it.


There’s no point arguing after the promise has been broken. The battle has already been lost. In the words of Ferris Bueller - “You’re still here? Go home. It’s over.”

I disagree - the only changes made, are changes aimed at reducing/removing a players ability to exploit or abuse things in game that have a dramatic affect on other players.

In fact if you arnt one who expolits or abuses certain things, the game plays completly the same. Sure you cant mind control someone out of a bg anymore - but you should be happy because you can no longer be mind controlled outside of a bg…


That’s what a buddy of mine who still participates said…

What a moron! How at all does this affect you? Or ANYONE for that matter? With this hot fix, you don’t have the potential to be a toxic flog. If you want toxic, piss off and play another game.