Warsong Battalion: Imperial Defenders of the Realm

What a year.

Glory to the Empire!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Years celebration! I know I did! :smiley:

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Sons and Daughters of Emerald Dream.

You will all die.

…Except Mort, he’s my bud.

So many familiar names in this thread. How many of the oldies are still playing?

Just stopped by to say bump and no :smiley: also shout out to hephs

Hey, yes, how are you man?

Been good. How you been?

WPvP still going.


Watching Archaos run everytime is what makes DF fun.

Hey there bud :call_me_hand:t3:

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Ahh the WSB mass reporting machine has turned on you now, Morty! How long do you think before redacted’s paranoid schizophrenia causes the guild to fall apart? What will it be this time? Astronaut training? Inheriting a herd of cows? Attending Hustler’s University? The anticipation is killing me!

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I know! It’s crazy!

Loved the Pink Floyd “Time” vid. Very fitting. Hang tough Mort.

whats up buddy!!!