Warriors will be double taxed from pvp damage reduction

While all other classes will simply do % less damage from this pvp change, warriors will do even less because they will generate less rage.

Hopefully such secondary effects were actually thought out? Or is this some trojan horse for rage normalization?


okay, Warriors take full damage again.



Not only less rage from doing less damage, but also less rage from taking less damage.

The damage reduction changes are a huge buff to any class that can heal (which ofc warriors cannot).

In addition, it makes any spec other than pvp arms worse because you now NEED mortal strike to deal with the buffed healing value. RIP to any glad chads out there.


Can they just like um add an item that gives Warrior rage or rage regen, why is this so hard?

Rogue has like a dozen different things to regen their energy. They even get a ZG trinket that gifts them flat energy.

These are your SoD devs bro, they don’t play the game.

The upside is that hopefully healers can keep us up more.

Now, this is irrelevant solo, (although maybe Enraged Regeneration is a little bit better), but it might make the grouped experience a smidge better.

Maybe they can change Endless Rage to be 30% more rage full stop, rather than 25% from only your damage?

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You mean like a rage potion or something akin to thistle tea?


Double taxed? Like capital gains?

If you tax income why should you tax distributions of income.

This is a serious subject that needs to be addressed.

Get on it blizzard!!!


Already exists. Anger Management. Just double the amount of rage it generates per tick in PvP combat. Ezpz.

For clarity, AM has never worked the way the tooltip says. It causes you to generate additional rage in combat every tick.

Warriors don’t really have a damage issue in pvp. My melee hunter versus a warrior just turns into a brawl.

The issue is more staying alive on the way in.

PS - funniest encounters in pvp have all been warriors. Charging me then just running away, coming at me 1 on 1 like they are movie henchmen etc.


How do you differentiate between in pvp combat and pve combat?

Same way Retail does. The framework already exists in this client since the base classic client was reverse engineered from the Legion client.

Since you know the finer details of the damage reduction aura being added, please list out the specific details here in this forum for the rest of us to read.

Except you’re talking about systems that change base on the target being affected. Anger management only ever impacts the Warrior with it. So again, how do you differentiate whether the combat you’re in is PvP or PvE?

It can’t be based solely off being pvp flagged or if you’re in a specific zone either. The combatants in the given encounter also can’t be the sole factor either.

I just answered that. The same framework that differentiates between PvE and PvP combat in Retail can do so in SoD. There are HUNDREDS of abilities that do different values or have different functionality between PvE and PvP on retail already. It just isnt applied or utilized the way it needs to be there.

SoD can benefit from that framework and functionality if and only if it is properly applied and utilized. It can be implemented on SoD because of the base client SoD uses.

Seriously though, why does the SoD team have such a vendetta against warrior players? Why the hell is such an iconic class constantly being destroyed outside of raid?

I dont think its a vendetta. I think Warriors were honestly the benchmark they compared everyone else against for PvE and tried to bring everyone to their level while allowing scaling modifiers(wrecking crew, CBR & flagellation specifically) to do the heavy lifting to prevent them from falling behind.

They didnt change much with warriors because there wasnt much that needed changing. Arms was one of the premier PvP specs, Fury the top dog in PvE and Prot was the bar against which all tanks were measured in Vanilla/Classic (and often found wanting)

No they wont,they were gods in tbc and wrath.Quit crying.

This is trolling. Report it as such.

“Warriors should be the inarguable best class at everything because they are the worst class at fighting a trio of mobs +3 levels higher than them.”








This is also trolling.