Warriors OH MY

Idk i see my damage be high becuase of the aoe snd killing bloes because of execute but i die so much more in a bg setting as fury then my ret. I dont have good escapes and i get cced to hell and back. Lets talk about the real issue mages.

Rets are ranged spec now though.

With that said yea their damage is mostly padding. They aren’t super strong. They can be annoying though because they are ranged and their utility/bubbles.

Just did a BG with 2 RETs
1 did 150 mil damage and 68m healing
The other did 100M damage and 60 M healing.

Thats broken

That seems really low. Ret is B tier.

Meanwhile we got Mage or Lock putting up 300 mil damage and doing more healing. They have Aoe damage and burst.

Cleary we have very different defintions on what is broken.

It was over in like 8 minutes. It was a 3-0 BG. Trust me ive seen RETS top 300 million too.
Warriors do it almost every BG.

So what is your point? Are you trying to say Ret is above B tier? That’s a hard sell.

I am willing to listen and put them in low A tier.

Pally Class is the worst overall. I’m not sure what you are argueing at this point.

Again the top specs in the game that are busted like Mage, Lock, Spriest need to be brought down in line. Warrior is strong but nothing is busted.

Again though, damage done is not how we define if a class is “broken”.

Anyone that knows their spec well can do good damage.

This says all we need to know about you.
Doesnt like ranged specs and says warriors are fine.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are ignoring the simple fact that these Ranged specs are broken God tier.

I said warriors are strong. Nothing about them is busted though. These are the facts.

You aren’t being objective at all or using any logic.

Pot meet kettle.

Warriors are topping the charts in damage and DPS in solo rbgs. To deny this is to deny reality.
Are aff locks good? SUre they are but warriors are just as busted and even moer because of the burst damage cc gap closers and stuns. 100% uptime as well.

Move along now. MIC DROP


Just finished a rbg where warriors topped charts with afflocks and mages.
Weird huh?

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This would work if that were true.

Okay so read carefully what I said. Maybe you have a reading issues.

Yes they are one of the 3 broken OP specs in the game right now (Mage/Lock/Spriest) and likely will get tuning nerfs after this week.

Aff lock is thee #1 Ranged Dps in the Top 1,000 right now. They have the highest representation.

This isn’t helping your case. You aren’t being objective and now are acting immature. We get it you don’t like when Warriors are strong. (That isn’t being objective though)

Youre no longer worth amy more of my time. Buh bye.
You lost and refuse to see the facts this making you not worth my valuable time.

BUH BYE! Have a nice day and and we say here in the south. Bless your heart

Blood was strong last expansion, and even stronger in Shadowlands. You could three-shot.

Hahahahahaha! Bladestorm laughs at your CC. So does heroic leap spam and charge/intercept spam.

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