Warriors OH MY

Warriors are possible the most group dependent class in the game. Their kit is so small. You are playing a druid. They have two charges and one leap. If you cant create a gap as a druid then you are really playing it wrong. Probably a back peddler.


That’s a really weird one to throw in there lol. Blood DK? Come on man.

Ok So this is how you fight warrior.





Dead warrior.


lol they are currently the most annoying melee to kill because their self heals is incredibly crazy :joy:

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You forgot stormbolt, spell reflect, Avatar root break, blade storm immune, shockwave, trinket etc

Yes you can kite warriors, but good ones can stick to almost any target. Mages and ele shaman are probably the best at kiting them.


insane how many classes have disarm now.


You rarely ever 1v1 a warrior, especially in BG’s, and everyone else has CCs as well.

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I don’t think they are strong though or the strongest tank. They don’t need nerfs. There isn’t some kind of Blood DK meta.

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They can go a long time 1v5 without dying, that’s a problem lol

Literally what every Tanks job is. Personally I think Prot is just better than Blood currently. They are studier in PvP and offer more group buffs/debuffs and damage.

Blood doesn’t need a nerf if this is what you are basing it on. In fact Blood and other Tanks might need buffs. None of them need nerfs, it’s outrageous to suggest it.

Blood is also the most susceptible to high burst as their design is to take damage and heal it back. Tanks already take too much damage in PvP. (which needs to be removed)

Totally isn’t. A Tank doing what they are designed for is only natural. Blood hardly is in some S tier spot lol. You are putting them with broken classes like Mage? No lol. This isn’t Cata.

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I agree, if they buff tanks to be as tough as BDK’s, I would be happy with that lol

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Well that’s good. I mean Blood isn’t the best Tank right now but it’s in a solid spot for once. You can at least agree they aren’t Mage though lol. Nothing about Blood DK I have seen is anywhere close to OP. Mages are broken on the other hand and oppressive.

This is a wild comment. Warriors already have a hard time sticking to mages, Evokers, Shaman, and all the other ranged classes that can kite. Learn to CC them and they struggle.

Fury does have a good burst window with their cooldowns up but outside of that window they are not great. Their survivability is not bad, but ranged classes are dominant atm so unless your team disrupts them warriors and other melee have a hard time when they get focused while you get to sit back at 40+ yards.

Life is hell when playing a warrior if the other team has a frost mage, or when monks and other classes with a ton of AOE CC constantly disrupt you.

I don’t think they need it, they deal good damage, have good defenses, and have great utility on top of their healing and having range with their abilities. While I don’t see them top the charts as often (pad mostly for the classes that do that.), they land kills, and their utility is amazing when they use it.

I’ve been tempted to go Pally again as it feels nice having so much range as a “melee” class.

I loved pvping as blood dk in MoP :smiling_face:

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Yea I mean it’s been several expansions since Blood DK was strong. They still aren’t strong. Although they aren’t bad either and some Tanks are. Like poor Prot Pal lol.

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Not meaningfull dmg… It is mostly aoe padding dmg spaming divine storm, single target dmg is crap and survivability is also crap, compare that to MM doing more aoe and way more single target dmg from 50y+ way or even balance druids absolutely detroying the meters with starfall.

Rets don’t have MS effect, have low mobility and basically only one CC (dispelable magic stun), the least they can do is buff Ret single target dmg and self sustain


That’s not what battlegrounds are about…

Not really defending the state of fury, but this one’s entirely on you.
A warrior shouldn’t sneak up on a hunter lol. It’s kind of an advanced move but maybe don’t play in first person and try spinning your camera around or looking at your map with humanoid tracking to see if any large red men are waddling up behind you. Deathwish takes 20 seconds to fully stack so it’s not exactly like you don’t have ample time to see it coming and get ready for an ultra sick 360 feign death the moment they get in range.

Just had game where the enemy team had 4 warriors on it. They just ran around together stunning everyone to death. Is this going to be looked at?

“Yeah so anyway I started blasting” meme from the outer edge, into an orb carrier who is in the middle of the map. I guess the Warrior had died and spawned at a graveyard behind me. Just didn’t see him coming. I could have been pointing my camera behind me while shooting folks in front of me, looks like I should have. Lesson learned.