Warriors OH MY

So I see a lot of stuff about hunters being broken but warriors are crazy OP in solo rbgs.

Topping charts in both dps and damage but a huge margin.

The game needs another tuning pass for a lot of specs


Bliz said they will be doing this after week 1.


Overall damage could be a bit of pad damage, MM and Affliction locks can do great damage with lots of targets, and yeah pretty darn good single target too. Fury warriors are something else entirely. If been KOed from full health to the graveyard by Fury warriors charging in from off screen who already had deathwish stacked up in I swear 2 seconds. Before I can push a button, before I really know Ive taken damage I’m just dead. All while I had BiS gear and every best enchant. Scary stuff. Arms warriors are a fair bit less bursty.


Fury doesn’t need to be nerfed when they can’t survive long without a healer. Hunters, Blood DKs, Warlocks, and Mages need nerfs though, as they dominate the battlefield. Healers also need to be nerfed, because with just 1 healer, an entire group becomes unkillable.

The only reason fury is op in solos is because nobody can que with their pocket healer, so you have to learn to use your toolkit to survive and not a friend.

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fury lives a long time lmao. Longer than arms and more damage than arms.


Ret needs buffs, like a 300% buff to FV, then it can be average. If you struggle to get kills, you’re probably playing Ret with no instant mobility, no invisibility, no grips, no disarm, no MS, no knockbacks, and very sadly, pathetic damage. You deserve a fat buff. Most specs dont need nerfs. I’m not asking for Fury nerfs, but I know to watch where they are when I can. Fury cant heal or hurt anyone if they cant touch anyone. A spec that performs kiting well is safe while they kite Fury well, at least safe from that one Warrior.

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Just because it’s better than arms doesn’t mean it’s much better. I see geared fury warriors getting destroyed in seconds when going against any more than 1 other person by themself.

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The solo shuffle BGs ive been in today have RETs topping charts in DPS and damage.
Last one had a RET do 580k DPS. Thats not needing a nerf.

MM hunters just need to be able to be kicked or silenced.

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So I did about a dozen blitzes last night and I can confirm warriors do insane burst. I didn’t see them topping the charts (that was mainly unholy DKs and warlocks) but the warriors were definitely chopping me up good. No other class made me clench like warriors not even the almighty marks hunters or frost mages.

Edit: Rets were topping the charts too, I forgot about them.


The only appropriate change to warrior is buff survivability and nerf damage, or nerf survivability and buff damage. They already can’t survive longer than 1-3mins, and most other classes have really good self heals and CC. Just use your CC abilities and self heals and you will survive almost any encounter with a warrior.

Id like to see a huge nerf to their mobility. Way too much uptime with that much burst damage

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They hardly have any mobility when CC’d correctly.


no it does not.

Haven’t seen that yet. Warrior are easy to counter with a little cc. Use your root button lol

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Ill be more specific, pvp buffs.

Cuz you only 75

My character is 80, I’m online now if you’d like to see. Renamed Zoc, the forums take forever to update.


they do not need those either.

:open_mouth: 10/characters

If you aint seeing warriors being OP then you playin it wrong.