This is Blackstannis’s warrior, I played very extensively in vanilla and have moderate experience of private servers (currently dabbling on an oceanic one while I wait for classic).
Post on your warriors that you played in vanilla and/or refer to my original post in this thread and I am happy to discuss if/where or why my experiences are wrong. No sarcasm, I cant wait for classic and intend to play a 31/5/15 or 5/31/15 as an offtank but changes as fundamental as whats proposed here lessen that.
Why single out warriors? If the goal of classic is to go with the intent of vanilla and not the outcome we got… then every underperforming spec, with mana issues also needs to be tweaked and we go further and further away from what vanilla was.
Are you implying warriors wouldn’t have played that way even if vanilla stayed 1.12 for 10 years? The game is figured out, warriors have strong damage when you get the right stats. Go watch Games Done Quick if you want to see what happens to a game after it’s played for 10+ years.
I thought that was one of things that made people nostalgic about vanilla, the way classes aren’t balanced and how engineering bridges the gap etc.
It appears you stick to BFA. Enjoy it there.
Blizzard should totally take you seriously though. I mean without the $0 in additional funds they will be losing out without you playing classic. Man they should totally be worried.
Because of the reasons already laid out in this thread you mean?
I think you misread this topic, the entire point which people are discussing is how Warriors worked in Vanilla WoW, not Private servers. Private servers use only the final patch of vanilla which came straight before BC, for the majority of actual vanilla wow warriors did absolutely terrible pve damage… private servers are a joke when analysing how any classes or the game actually worked. please re-read my original post.
Nope, this is not required at all, firstly this effect does not appear until you are into Naxxramas, which a lot of people will still not clear, and even if it is cleared then why would it matter? Plenty of fights still favor ranged DPS over melee.
Secondly, why would you nerf one class only? It was discussed in pod casts such as ClassiCast with original game devs that the game was not supposed to be a perfect balance, but play into class fantasy. IE: as a warrior becomes stronger they then hit harder, which fuels their bloodrage even more and is a vicious circle. The Devs cared more about fantasy than 100% balance, this is what ruined modern wow.
Thirdly, instead of diminishing the off role of the best tank (yes I know some warlock/mage tanks are required, sometimes a Druid or Paladin tank can work well if just not optimally) so that less people play Warriors and thus there is even a lower chance of having end game tanks, in a game where tanks are the hardest roll to fill. Why not buff the other Specs that need it? (We all know who these are, hunters scaling on spells, ret paladins missing a damage attack, prot paladins mana issues taunt and lack of gearing options, feral druids dps scaling and having to abuse Lionshead Helm and the Manual Crowd Pummeler, feral tanks lack of gearing options, balance druids mana issues, shadow priest mana issues, arcane mages lack of dps spells and tier bonuses, elemental and enhance shamans damage and mana issues) to improve their enjoyment or fun aspects rather than diminish that which warriors enjoy.
Finally, Blizzard have already said something to the line of: We will not be balancing the game, it will be as it was because that is how it was intended to be and the game balance was already set in a game which we are recreating to preserve as it was, so thus it is not our game to alter.
this. theyve said it or alluded to it over and over yet we still get posts like these.
btw right after this forum was made we had knock down drag out fights on these forums about very many things including class balance and “balancing” warriors. its been said and begged for for all of vanilla and all of the classic forums history. they arent changing after all that feedback and wont change unless you can somehow hit them where it hurts “money” or offer even more money than those who have pushed this offer.
i doubt youll find enough to do that.
and i am happy they are sticking to vanilla as close to it as possible.
Again with the changes… we haven’t even got the original game back. There can be a discussion about fixing and tuning to your hearts content AFTER we have a (hopefully) authentic recreation of the initial game. The entire movement for class was pretty much centered around the idea that if I want to play the original version of the game I HAVE bought I can’t simply throw in the old disc and start playing. If you are altering the contents of the disc before you have even got it back then that makes it very moot in the eyes of the players who want the original game that they HAVE bought.
Of course there are changes that could be healthy for the game. Just about anything that can be done with a VANILLA mod is fair game for me (e.g Druid mana bar in form, mass mail opening, hp and mana text). Even bringing the terrible specs/classes up to par with the rest of the classes might be nice too I do admit. However, I would never want ANY of that to be in a faithful recreation of a game. If they wanted to do some kind of wacky horizontal server progression at a later date then fine. BUT, the initial game should always be preserved. Without the original game being available to play what was the point of the movement to get this game in the first place? I want to be able to play they game that I bought in the state I bought it in.
Then they should have warriors as they were for the vast majority of vanilla and not how they were are the very end. The latter the warrior version, the more it damaged hybrid viability.
its true to the 1.12 patch. i doubt they are going to deviate from that and if they do, it should be 1.5 av ahead of all the other crap you guys port out for consideration.
they arent. but they have already stated their intent in the blizzcon panels. and we have had large battles about it in the past on the old forums and people are just sick of it now.
They have not stated unequivically that they will be going with a strict patch. Until they do so I and others are going to lobby for and support the idea of a frankenpatch of vanilla aspects.