Warriors got a revamp?

I got excited, I thought, maybe they finally did it, they had white swings generate rage again! But no, they didn’t do that, because of course they didn’t

I was a warrior for about a decade, then they decided to have abilities generate rage, then other abilities spend rage, like some sort of death knight/rogue hybrid. I think I finished leveling to cap, then promptly uninstalled the game. I have not played retail since.

When will warriors actually play like warriors again? Because whatever this is, isn’t a warrior. It is some homogenized hybrid of other classes for the flavor of the month players that flip between characters every patch and want a class like other ones they play.

TBC was peak warrior(because of windfury) with Wrath being a close second. Cata was the downward turn of warrior with the Colossus smash window with raging blow spam.

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This model came about when WoW was only 6 years old.

This is how they’ve played for 10 years out of 16 so…it kinda is.

You’re surprised they didn’t reverse course abruptly from a model that has overall been beloved by the community? Do you live life in a perpetual state of shock?

If you want a model that almost exclusively spends rage earned by auto attacks, go Arms. They kept it as one spec’s thing. Otherwise, the rest of the warrior community has no interest in afking while waiting for autos to fill up the rage bar.


I am pretty sure that in WoD white swings gave you rage and you spent it on abilities and bloodthirst gave you a bit of extra rage, while the play style wasn’t that great, it wasn’t until legion where you got nothing from white swings and it went from going down hill, to off a cliff . That was the point I stopped playing, it felt nothing like playing a warrior, at all. So it has been more like 4 years where warrior was like; What is this class? It feels nothing like it did before, why is this such a radical departure from how the class played?

You are trying to make it out where cataclysm was where the you didn’t gain rage from white swings? That is not the case.

The current model where EXECUTE of all things is a rage gainer, raging blow, and blood thirst all gain rage is such an absurd departure from how warriors play, it is unrecognizable as a class, sure the abilities are named the same things, but even though I am not the biggest fan of classic and hope the release TBC so I can play the version I like, at least warriors play like warriors.

And “afk while waiting for rage bar to fill up” This is the most absurd thing I think I have heard in a while, rage management is constant in classic and even more so in TBC, you constantly have to manage heroic strike, you had split second decisions constantly to ether heroic strike or not, to make sure you kept your rage bar in the middle so you had enough rage to keep your rotation going but not rage capped all the time.

What you are saying sounds preposterous on its face

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Actually in both legion and bfa auto attacks give rage. Just not the majority of your rage .


If you had only ever played classic and blizzards goal is to get people that play classic to try and continue to play retail, because in their minds it is the better version of the game.

Could you take a player that played a warrior, give them a warrior from BFA and have them understand intuitively how to play? The answer is a resounding, NO, not at all, they would be completely lost and have to completely relearn how to play the class from scratch.

Could you give them a TBC warrior, or a Wrath warrior and have them play it? Sure they would be intuitively able to play the warrior and have to slightly adjust to the new mechanics.

Looking at the BFA rotation and seeing people play it, doesn’t seem that different than the number of buttons you pushed during Wrath, or even more complicated but the issue is that it plays so different that it may as well be a different class. And shadow lands does nothing to fix it. It continues to build on a bad system that will draw almost no one in from classic.

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Of course it’s not the case, you get rage from white swings in all specs right now. I assumed you knew more about the class than you did, my apologies.

It’s the perfect model for Fury. They want it to feel like a raging berserker, and they nailed it. Never a moment where you can’t use an ability.

ROFL! :rofl: No no no. You either are poorly geared and have no rage, or you’re geared and you literally bind it to your mousewheel and roll up for HS, down for cleave nonstop the whole fight.

You haven’t played this class very much it seems.


this seems like the “I heard my buddy say this one time about the way it used to be” bad take. Heroic strike management was constant there was never a point where you could bind heroic strike to your keys and play optimally, except on one fight where you literally gained rage due to a debuff constantly. You are always managing your heroic strikes, even with great gear. It is what differentiated the good warriors from the bad.

No, not at all, it feels more like a rogue where you build combo points in the form of a rage bar then spend it on your finisher, then do it again and again. That is what it feels like.

No, I did it. I’ve played every iteration since TBC, and classic has let me kinda experience vanilla.

You are arguably the only person who feels this way. Fury’s current iteration has received a ton of praise, and that exact phrase, that you really feel like a berserker doing it, gets used over and over. Sorry you don’t like it, but you’re honestly an oddity in that regard. Try Arms, it still works off Auto->Spend, with a single talent able ability that generates rage. Otherwise, I hate to break it to you but the warrior class isn’t for you anymore.


it hits things with melee weapons and no magic

it’s not the warrior you played first, but it checks all the boxes for the warrior archetype

and it’ll never go back


Fury has probably one of the softest learning curves of any spec in BFA. Also you’re comparing modern classes to the earliest stage in the game when a class was complicated if it used three abilities in combat.

This is absolute hogwash. If you were fury, you press heroic strike when above 60ish rage. If you were arms, you basically don’t press heroic strike ever. To say that classic/TBC specs were faster and more split-second than modern fury is to be completely detached from reality.


In Dragon Soul and Siege of Ogrimmar, it was bound to your mouse wheel, and if you didn’t you ended up generally wasting rage.

The issue was that hard scaling of rage, resulted in feast and famine issues for Warriors across an expansion. Too reliant on stats like Haste and Crit, and rage became a resource you no longer had to manage.

Now Rage is much more normalized for all specs. You’ll get a higher APM as you gear increases, but it will never amount to the parts in the past where you could just ignore everything the rage had to function with.

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For real, I mean the core of classic Fury’s rotation is a 6 second cd, a 10 second cd, and heroic strike or cleave spam that varies by gear level. I just can’t believe there’s still people out there trying to argue that this either engaging gameplay or requires any degree of skill.

I first heard about the mousewheel idea in Trial of the Crusader, and in ICC it was just ridiculous. If you stopped rolling for even an instant, or just got particularly lucky with a couple crits, immediate rage overcap.

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Nothing about the current fury rotation feels like playing a rogue. If anything Arms feels more rogue like as you have to manage rage, maintain bleeds and choose abilities with slower resource generation. The fact that rogues have no builders and almost all their moves require either energy or combo points (or both) means you have to be calculating. It’s why I don’t play rogue.
I play Fury because it feels like a frothing at the mouth, raging death machine that doesn’t stop hitting things until one of us dies.

I’m sorry you don’t care for the warrior in its current iteration, but there’s Arms if you want more resource management, or Classic for that old school feel.


I do not remember this at all and I was a heroic raider that killed 25 man lich king, rage management was still a thing in Wrath, you could indeed use all your rage, but that could be why they introduced Titans grip, so that hero strikes happened less often. Hence why TBC was peak warrior.

I never did dragonsoul I had quit after killing Al’akir Heroic because WoW had taken a turn for the worst with Cataclysm the Collossus smash/raging blow windows was such a radical departure from fury it was startling and completely unfun to play , I didnt comeback until Mists, where I raided a bit then quit until SoO the class basically the same with the colossus smash windows, and was not fun but I struggled though and found a heroic guild and got through to Paragons, until they announced WoD, I got everyone back because it was “BACK TO TBC” and it was an even bigger disappointment than Cataclysm.
Legion was the final nail in the coffin for retail, I cant even bring myself to attempt to play the current game in any serious way, it looks so bad, filled with all the things I hate about the current direction, then when I heard that they might take what they learned about classic and apply it to warrior and maybe go back I got excited, then I was completely disappointed when it was just building on the same bad warrior design that they had built in Legion. Watching a few videos on the game play, it looks like every other class

Current rogue, maybe not, but rogues of old, it defiantly does when you break it down to the components.
a lot of the classes from rogues to paladins to death knights even warlocks and others have the same basic gameplay style.

You push the lightly damaging button to gain a resource, in a warriors case it is rage, then you build that resource up until you have enough to spend on your bigger damage ability or the buff that increases your damage. That is all you do, you do this over, and over, and over. When your class plays like a warlock, things have gone so far astray the game is absurd. You can get into the minutia of how it is “totally different” but when you break it down to the core game play, no, it really isn’t. It was a glaring realization that I could not get over when I started playing pre-classic launch just messing around to try how each class felt. I hopped on each of my characters, and played them it was like their design intent was to make every class so similar you could jump from class to class to class and play them easily. And I did, laughing at how absurd it was.

Than you were wasting damage, and not using your full potential. Its ok to have made mistakes in the past and just not realized it.

But old rage was a bad system because it resulted in the resource becoming completely irrelevant by the end of the expansions. New rage is actually somewhat interesting, has moments and good split second decision making, and rewards players for planning ahead.

Classic is there for you than. Plenty of players, myself included enjoy modern Warcraft. I enjoy the gameplay, and mastery that comes with modern warcraft. I have fond memories of every expansion, but they’re just that memories. Hope you find what you’re looking for.


Fury warrior is better than it has almost ever been.

If we had shockwave back baseline, this would probably be my favourite iteration of Fury ever.


Don’t mean to be that guy, but you’re using than in the wrong context consistently, and thought I’d let you know

“Classic is there for you then”

Whereas than would like “You will enjoy classic more than retail”

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Sure it was, during Ulduar. And even when rage management was still a thing, there was never any sort of split second decision to be made. You had two dps abilities, Bloodthirst and Whirlwind, with 6 and 10 second cooldowns respectively. You had a lot of time to decide if you had enough rage to pop a heroic strike and still keep the next ability coming up on cooldown. It was 10 years ago man, your memory is off.

I don’t know to react to this. You’re a grammar (National Socialist of 1940s Germany), but you’re so nice and polite about it. It’s kind of hilarious lol.

You win the thread. God I want shockwave so bad.


Then there are a few possibilities

  1. You’ve forgotten. It was more than a decade ago, this is forgivable.

  2. You were playing wrong back then.

Warrior “rage management” followed a very predictable course through an expansion until they finally normalized the resource entirely. At the start, you might have just enough to keep your primary attacks on CD, maybe not even that much. Then you had some time in the middle tiers where rage management was briefly a thing. Then you reach the last tier and fury, at least, almost can’t spend it faster than it’s coming in.

This is not speculation, that quirk of the class in the early years is literally the origin of the meme that “warriors scale better with gear” which still persists in the community consciousness to this day, even though it hasn’t been true since the last day of Wrath.

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I mean Ghostcrawler back then was actually pretty vocal and explained quite thoroughly why they made certain changes. This is all codified in lengthy blue posts. Could you please either believe us or look them up, I’m tired of doing people’s homework for them.

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