Warriors got a revamp?

Glyph of heroic strike was the reason that was the case, not a function of how the class worked per say, I had to go back and look at why specifically that was the case, it was a quirk of the way Heroic strike Glyph and Incite(15% extra crit on heroic strike) worked. That is why I have said TBC was Peak warrior, but everyone in this forum post, ignored that and focused on literally every other incarnation of World of Warcraft.

Glyph of Heroic Strike

Requires Level 15

Use: [You gain 10 rage when you critically strike with your Heroic Strike ability.]

No. You are categorically wrong, it’s just that simple. Before cataclysm, rage per swing was determined by how much damage that swing did. That’s part of the reason weapon skill was (is) so broken in vanilla/classic. It’s the reason warriors did so badly against priests and warlocks in PVP. It’s part of the reason armor pen was so busted for warriors in Wrath. It’s also the reason epic weapons were of such tremendous life-changing importance, miles beyond what any other slot could provide. They tweaked the formula and tried to flatten the curve in TBC and Wrath, but they didn’t completely decouple rage gain from damage done until Cataclysm. These are facts, they are not up for debate.

TBC fury was almost identical to classic fury with the addition of a maintenance AP buff you had to hit every 30ish seconds. It wasn’t particularly complicated.

No, they did not completely rework rage because one glyph singlehandedly destroyed the balance of the class. As I just said; detailed patch and expansion notes, not to mention routine developer blogs by Ghostcrawler explaining what they were doing and why were the norm back then. This is all explained, at great length, by the developers. Stop being stubborn, silly, and lazy and look them up before you try to argue your point any further.

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Ill put this at the top:
Having rage generation scale with your gear was one of the best parts of the class, you felt more and more powerful as you scaled up. You adapted your play style for the environment you were in and had to learn nuance to every situation you were in, that was fantastic. Low rage situation? Different than a fully raid buffed situation. Partially buffed dungeon group, again it can be very different depending on the group composition. That was a lot of fun to know how and when to do things. Homogenizing things and making it a predictable formula, feels a lot like not a chaotic fury. Will your next swing be a crit and give you a lot of rage? Cool, how are you going to spend that rage? You missed, you need to make a decision do you have enough rage to heroic strike or not? It was fantastic, constant decision making. After Cataclysm it seemed way too formulaic.

No, I am not categorically wrong, if you didnt get 10 rage refunded every time you crit, and you had high crit at the end of the expansion plus and extra 15% on top via talents, you would have to manage your rage much better coupled with lower rage cost from heroic strike talent.

I like how you guys have perfect memory about something that happened 10 years ago, but then accuse me of misremembering, then I look up why it was the case, you tell me I am wrong because you were effectively getting free heroic strikes every time you crit, thus negating your rage dump.

Then you act like things I said earlier, were not said at all when you talk rage on hit. Maybe, take a step back and actually read what I am saying before you act like clowns.
Also, cataclysm was the downturn of warriors, and the game in general, right now if it wasn’t for classic supporting the game, and a few people using their free time to dabble a bit in retail. WoW would be at its lowest subscriber numbers ever. Especially at this point where there is a massive content drought.

Blizzard has learned absolutely nothing. They only care about having homogenized generic classes that have no niche aspects to make them very different from the other classes. So it is all easy to balance, in theory, but just ends up on the “who is on the top of the wheel of OPed this patch?!” But that is a different story.

No, it was horrible, and apparently everyone but you hated it. It was grossly unpopular. I’m sorry you’re the one person that it enjoyed it, they literally made classic just for you. Go over there.

I did take a few minutes to look up the same dev notes just to make sure I was right. They’re there, and they’re super easy to find. You’re lazy and stubborn and won’t do it. The devs said why they did the things that they did, you’re wrong, let it go.

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Having rage generation scale with gear made the class impossible to balance against classes that didn’t scale exponentially, AKA every other class in the game.

  1. The counterpoint is that with bad gear, such as you find at fresh cap or the first tier of an expansion, a warrior was terrible and often couldn’t even generate enough rage to keep the core damage skills on cooldown.

  2. As your gear improved, rage became less and less meaningful, until you reach the end of the expansion when binding HS to mousewheel and grinding that thing like it’s a woman you’re trying to impress is the only way to avoid horrific levels of rage overcap.

First tier of the expansion: don’t hit HS unless you get a crit string, you literally can’t afford it.

Second/third tier: hit HS whenever you’re above 60-65 rage.

Final tier: smash your heroic strike key like a jackhammer, you’re generating so much rage that it doesn’t even matter anymore.

The moment to moment “decision making” was simple the entire time, and the more geared you got, the less those “decisions” mattered.

Yes, you bloody are. A glyph didn’t create the exponential scaling of rage into damage into rage, Rage created that absurd feedback loop.

My memory is extremely good, but I don’t even need it. I can whip out the rage generation formulas from vanilla, TBC and wrath right now with a simple trip to google. I didn’t pull this out of my imagination, it’s a part of the bloody fossil record.


WOW is a 15 year old game. I would be absolutely flabbergasted if the majority of the 12 million players it enjoyed at its peak hadn’t moved on with their lives over that time.

Blizzard does a great job at balancing classes, TBC class balance was actually the best, why? Not because of damage but each class brought something to the table that you wanted in your raid. Now blizzard has some of the worst class balancing that there has been. I checked out noxxic, there is more than a 25% difference between the top DPS spec and the bottom, and there is zero reason to bring the classes at the bottom. You can just stack raids with the classes that does the most damage, that meet the minimum requirements for your raid.
It is even worse at lower gear levels, nearly a 41% spread
In their quest to balance things they only made it worse.

You can bounce with your “makes it easier to balance” complete nonsense. Blizzard can never, and will never balance anything in this game. The only way it was good was when each class had a vital buff that they brought to the raid or just did great damage to make up for their lack of buff.

What a joke, it is at the end of the expansion and warriors, scaled the absolute worst of all the classes, literally both DPS specs at the last and second to last place. “ITS BETTER THIS WAY!” LOL

Lol. You mean when warlocks did 50% more damage than any other class by spamming shadowbolt, mages weren’t worth taking inside a raid for any reason ever, each raid needed at least 5 shamans, and warriors were still the only viable main tanks?

You just discredited everything you will ever say about WOW design forever. Noxxic is trash. It’s the Daily Mail of WOW. The Fox News. The Transmorphers. The Bollywood of actual useful informatIon in this game. You say you’ve been playing competitively since the beginning of WOW, and you never figured this out? Humbug.

Do you drink mercury in your off time or something? Arms is the #2 spec in mythic Ny’alotha overall. Fury is #14, out of 24 DPS specs. Get the hell out of here with that utter nonsense.


Pretty sure the reason Fury keeps sliding down the ladder is because everyone keeps jumping ship for Arms. A chance at best melee dps in the game is tough to pass up.

But seriously, this guy has managed to somehow demonstrate he knows even less about the game than we thought he did. Warriors bottom dps in 8.3, I’m in tears :rofl:



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You can argue many things about warriors right now but scaling poorly is not one of them. Arms always has and probably will always scale extremely well. I have been playing since Vanilla as well and I can’t remember an expansion where arms hasn’t scaled to the moon near the end of one. Sometimes it has been feast or famine for warriors at the beginning but never at the end.

Woah. Sometimes you just wana see some giant robots and Bay-splosions.

The latest iterations of the Warrior class are absolutely awesome. I started a Warrior over 10 years ago and could hardly bring myself to earn a handful of levels each expansion prior to BFA. I picked this alt up during the lull for Shadowlands and I’ve been blowing through content in these past few weeks.

I find Fury and Prot more fun than Arms, but think all three are very engaging. I feel silly for having waited this long to enjoy an iconic class, but I’m thankful for the opportunity to enjoy it finally.


Always do opposite of what noxxic says

If noxxic was right there’d be way more arcane mages around in nyalotha

ht tps://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/24/

I recognize your arguments that warrior isn’t what made you love it, but I advise you to stop trusting noxxic when they almost seem to be meta contrarians

Icyveins gets it’s guides made by the appropriate theory crafters, mostly keeping them up to date (bit slow sometimes imo)

Warcraft Logs assembles data from many thousands of logs to get the average performance of specs, which you can sort by percentiles/nerfs/difficulty

They do this for classic as well, I believe, so it’s a tool you can take advantage of even if you never come back to retail again


You know, I was going to quietly lurk and let the more knowledgeable warrior mains deal with your arguments, but this is a serious facepalm. Noxxic has literally been a troll site for years just for dummies like you. If you took 30 seconds to double-check the information presented on Noxxic against any other site that provides any type of information on this game you would notice that Noxxic is always just about the complete opposite.

I’m a scrub warrior and even I can guess the reasons for why they changed rage-scaling. More importantly, I can realize that old school warrior gameplay is not engaging or requiring any split-second decision making. This has already been outlined above so I won’t bother going into any detail.

Regardless of anything else, after the statement you made above you just need to sit down and let it go at this point.