Warriors currently worst class in Shadowlands?

Pretty much yes. At one point he goes so far as to say you could not design a fight more perfectly for an Arms warrior.

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That’s a bit extreme. You don’t have the power to say I lost all creditability just because i didnt watch a full 6hr stream. lol

Not what he said. I already stated what he said in the first 30sec.

So essentially your argument for warriors not being the worst is the fact that only Arms warriors have one fight in the raid that they are perfect for? Was the warrior even in the top 5 for that fight?

No, he just was countering your incorrect statement that they took a warrior for BS.


If not, that doesn’t mean Arms wasn’t positioned perfectly to do damage when it counted most to get them through difficult phases.

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Please please please tell me there is a source for this, either exactly this or pretty close to this.

I don’t need power. It’s an observation of reality.

You are either deliberately trolling, or have a legitimate hearing issue. On the off chance it’s not you outright lying and trolling, I’ll recommend you see a doctor, and in the meantime turn on your closed captions.

You obviously aren’t interested in truth at this point, you just want to argue for
reasons? But there are people reading this who are, and definitely won’t be watching the video. For them:

Max spends the first minute of the video explaining that they really only make a comp for the Mythic Denathrius fight, because you want the same comp for every fight if you can unless something is spectacularly good or bad. Gearing is clearly the primary motivation here. If this guy’s your hardest fight, you want whoever is in on him to be geared from those previous fights unless it’s going to hold up your progression. Arms Warrior was swapped out on two fights - Sun King and Sludgefist. An extra healer was brought in on Sun King and I believe another ranged on Sludgefist.

He then launches into a brief overview of their roster. He gets to the dps (He is comparing Limit to Echo here): "We both went 3-4 Unholy Dks, we wound up using 4 for the kill they used 3. We were using Windwalker from the start of the expansion, this was something they only swapped to three days before the raid. They planned to bring their monk buff from their tank, I believe that was a mistake, we can talk about that though see what they think about it. We brought an Arms warrior only for this fight, we did not bring it for earlier fights that’s why we brought Darkee"

This. People try to explain to people legitimately wondering what the real condition of the class is, and when we try to explain that while at least one of the spec’s is definitely in a bad spot (/mourn Fury) but the rest are certainly strong enough for the hardest of content with the most elite of guilds in the most competitive possible environment, you go and decide that you’re going to speak for them. And it’d be one thing if there where even the theoretical possibility of what you’re saying being true (They just brought their warriors for shout! Cause battle shout stacks!) or if the people you presume to speak for hadn’t made an exhaustive video explaining the reasoning behind their choices.

You don’t wanna watch the video, I really don’t care, but the moment you keep trying to speak for the people who have already spoken you become intellectually dishonest, and it’s frankly sad that you’d turn to that over something like this. I simply cannot understand the motivations behind someone choosing to literally change a man’s words because they don’t support their silly argument on a video game internet forum.

Confronted with facts, proven wrong, and you just run away. Typical.


So now we’re moving off topic. Ignored.

Oh no, so much lost in so little time. How will we recover.

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Both of the final bosses.

Look at Echo’s kills.

The WoW forum equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and loudly repeating “La la la la”.

That entire huge post was directly related to discussing whether Warrior is, actually, the worst class in Shadowlands. It covers a top tier guild’s perspective on the merit of Arms for the Mythic raid race, and identifies how you misrepresented that perspective.

It’s perfectly on-topic, and was perfectly related to the conversation that was active at the time.


I’m not trolling.

I’m providing my feedback of the class from my point of view and then someone provides a video by limit. I watch a portion of the video, and hear the man say they brought arms warrior for the spite and then goes on to talk about the other classes. I wasn’t about to watch another 5+hrs of someone talking at the time. If provided timestamps, I’d be more willing to skim to those and listen to the info i missed out on.

We all have different perspectives and biases. I’m over it.

Whatever Limit’s reasoning was for bringing arms to Denathrius, cool. It doesn’t mean arms is better than avg just because they good on one raid boss, borderline avg in m+ and above avg in Pvp. And it doesn’t excuse the fact that Fury is a dumpster fire in all content and prot is a meh tank which is good in only certain instances when prot pally is good in all. These were the points i was trying to show.


I’m not sure how anyone could watch that video by Limit, and think that warriors are fine. They happen to have the right damage profile for one fight, and Max even said he would not bring in warriors for the other bosses.


Would you just stop already? He said, and again I’m quoting here "We brought an Arms warrior only for this fight, we did not bring it for earlier fights that’s why we brought Darkee"

That’s a gross exaggeration, the rest of us gathered the information on Arms warrior in a few minutes. Look man, if you don’t want to watch their video you don’t have to but you cannot speak for them then. You don’t get to be part of the conversation discussing why Limit did what they did when you won’t listen to them explain why they did what they did. No one is obligated to give you a summary paper with citations and timestamps so you can fact check them with maximum convenience. You have the information at your fingertips. Make use of it and know things, or admit you don’t have the required information for an honest conversation and bow out.


Sorry for the spam guys, testing a theory.

Arms is not bad though. :slight_smile:


I’m not speaking for anyone. I literally stated:

If this is the case, it doesn’t make arms warrior look any better then the way i perceived it. They wouldn’t bring them anywhere else. That’s pretty sad.

I’ve figured these things out on my own. The class sucks in so many ways and in so many situations. Arms shines somewhat in Pvp / Prot in some physical dmg fights. Rally is pretty decent. It doesn’t make up for the dmg loss imo.

And Limit didn’t exactly say that warriors are in a good place rn; what they did say was Arms fits decently into the Denathrias fight otherwise they wouldn’t have brought him at all, based on what you guys are telling me.

“I’m not sure how anyone could watch that video by Limit, and think that warriors are fine. They happen to have the right damage profile for one fight, and Max even said he would not bring in warriors for the other bosses.”

Mostly to just argue and get the last post in. Remember, being objectively proven wrong with data (and even the new goal-post move of Limit refuting you directly in quotes) doesn’t matter as long as you get the last post in!

Would love to see where either of these happened.

I like condemn, but holy sheez is the nightfae ability a killer. that thing HURTS.