Warriors are the masters of gaslighting

I think you just need practice, Demo, Destro are extremely strong and affliction can’t say much did not face many… if you face a “decent” lock good luck killing him. Destro are not casting anything and are doing ALOT of dmg. You literally cannot kick anything because he only waiting that for spamming Chaos bolt…

Each lock spec is phenomenal rn and will only get better with tier

Also side note destro is going to be absolutely disgusting after PvE tuning, just wait

Edit: they need to tune the gluttony talent for PvP. Making Soul Rot a static cdr was a really lame move, does not take Multi-UA into consideration at all

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I too am a master of gas lighting…


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They started in vanilla WOW telling everyone how hard they were to level. How they had it so much harder than everyone else they have been gaslighters from the begining.

Nerfing Mage and Warlock mobility first :c

Warrior Mage (and in a third wheel kinda way Warlock) always causing problems for the design of every other class over the years :dracthyr_cry:

Increase stormbolt back to original stun duration and put it as a choice node with warbringer, picking warbringer brings charge up to 24seconds cd. Then you reduce other mobilty classes like arcane mage and monk/dh.

Thats why I don’t agree with nerfing anything after 6 seasons of Ret/War drooling on keyboard for rating.

Its almost like people who play warrior, ret, and also warlock don’t think they’re viable unless they’re better than everything else by a mile. Hope the devs leave things the way they are because warrior/ret tears are delicious. My DH is lvl 50, but after what happened to DK/DH/Spriest/Rogue so Rat/War could be meta I hope this current structure doesn’t get played with too much.

S1 and S2 both died with Ret/War meta. Lets not repeat the same mistakes devs. These groups are crying b/c they’re not getting free rating till 2k+.

Not at all, Warriors were bouncing between first and second for rep @2800+ according to drustvar in S2. Ret being the #1 for rep generally. Every other classes numbers got way smaller. As of right now they’re the #3 dps in regular 3s. BTW they have twice the rep that rogues have, and this holds true right up to the top 100 where warriors have one more position than rogues.

Warriors are Stier themselves. Everyone knows this.

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Yep, Arms definitely needs to be toned down also.

Not reading your diary.

Warlock tears are delicious, though.

Warlocks working overtime to secure their reputation as the biggest crybabies in WoW.

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Excuse me but im still learning and i lose allot. Like I suck really bad. Sooooooo…


in my defense i havent even played pvp yet on my war this season.

Right? i see almost every day a new post of warriors mains crying about something, while literally, they have been stucked on first 5 best spec for every pvp bracket during all the xpac.
I cant find a single match without a warrior, even in SS, while they never will be the killing target because they cant die.
They are like a walking fortress but with a bazooka that can stun on distance.

Comps always are warriors + “op rework dps of the moment” + “op healer of the moment”.

But hey, the daily post of warriors main asking for buffs cant be missed, they are a part of the daily forum at this point.

Careful, Marcedlc-Ragnaros/Beatlejuice-Ragnaros, your warlock main is showing.

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Warriors are humongous babies

When you sort by 2100 you are using an extremely small sample size that is more indicative of playtime than skill, and isn’t really relevant at week 1 in the season. 1800 is a fine margin for week 1 (which in itself, 1 week is also a small sample size).

For example, at the time of this posting, Arms Warriors above 2100 in RSS are cut off at 27 players (I’m using RSS because it’s more indicative of individual class performance in a meta as opposed to the comp performance). Affliction has 6, Demonology has 19, and Destruction has 17. Arms has significantly more representation above 2100. You could argue that Arms is more OP than any spec of warlock right now if you want to use small sample sizes of data.

Now at 1800 Arms has 406 players, Destruction 126, Affliction 59, Demonology 165 (these include the 2100+ players in addition to the 1800+) some of which are multi glad and queued less than 100 games. This is a much more relevant sample size with significantly more games played. In both examples, one spec of warrior is significantly outperforming all 3 specs of warlock.

This is why I don’t believe at this point in the season, one week or 2100 is a large enough sample size to supply relevant findings. We can see much more consistent findings with more data. And I believe 1800 is a fine skill cut off considering it is week 1, that people at this rating generally understand the tools of both their character and their opponents character.

You’re also comparing 3 specs of warlock to 1 spec of warrior, which is already going to promote disparity. There are 10 Havoc Demon Hunters above 2400, and 1 warlock across 3 specs in RSS. That would be a more appropriate sign of imbalance of a spec because the results are significantly more polarizing, and consistent amongst just about any rating you sort it.

I’m unsure how to source this data, but I wouldn’t be shocked to see Arms warrior is just queueing more than any individual warlock spec. That is probably the reason this data is showing this way.

In any event, if you play either warlock or warrior into the opposite class, and you lose, you probably just got outplayed. The disparity in 10.2 is not as absurd as say… DH right now, or Ret in 10.0.7 - where the worse player can consistently beat you. If you are consistently losing, I would suggest spending less time looking for excuses in data, and more time looking for answers in your gameplay.

We saw the same trend last season, and in S1. Why would you assume it’s any different now?

Typical on these forums, checking pvp behind a hidden profile.

Dont you, Vittand-Moon Guard?

You have uncovered one of my many warriors, in the same guild as this one. Well done.

That explain everything.

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locks are ex pz to counter they are all long casts people complaining about locks alludes me