Warriors and Rogues will be meme specs

so yeah…this guy doesnt know much about TBC. the top tanks in the world all through TBC have been warriors with thunderfury.

I counter with “no”. You don’t get to define what a meme spec is, you’re not my dad.

Look, I may have been a bit harsh in my OP. I really just wanted to offer a public service announcement. If you’re a warrior or rogue just do yourself a favor and start leveling an alt right now if you want to raid in TBC.

Now I know what you warriors are thinking - you’re going to play warlock or hunter because you want to stay on top of the heap. The problem with this is that there’s going to be a glut of locks and hunters. I suggest that you should just roll a healer and give up on DPS/tanking altogether. Better for all involved.

Regarding Thunderfury: Maybe for AOE tanking, but at that point may as well have the prot pally do the job. By late TBC TF isn’t the best weapon for single target tanking. Also, let’s not forget, TF was nerfed in TBC.

I saw a dirty warrior kissing a rogue in the cave.


Hance shaman main currently atm, I didn’t take the easy way out in classic. Blazeguard and lionheart don’t have the correct speed values for either fury or arms, while the hammer spec weapons do.

Have you ever played tbc? Druids in sunwell? Sure brutalis but twins? Muru? Kalec?

Warrior dps and rogues are great after t4, they lack stats on t4 gear

Paladin tank illidan? Sure, if you have low dps and don’t mind waiting longer to dps. Paladins have high aoe threat, lower st tps than druid and warrior and lower hp and avoidance. Warrior has massive st tps, high avoidance and medium hp, druid has medium st tps , medium aoe tps and high hp medium avoidance.

Druids get crushed constantly in tbc

T6 druids get 1shot by tidewalker in ssc from a crush.

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I’m talking Sunwell, where there are no crushes. Even prior to Sunwell a druid’s higher EH compensates for crushes. Tidewalker just hits hard.

Are you sure you know what you’re talking about? Do you hear yourself? A warrior has high avoidance while a druid has medium avoidance? I think the whole reason they had Sunwell aura was because of ferals and rogues. I personally wouldn’t do it, but there were ferals achieving 100%+ dodge.

You claim that warriors have “massive st tps” while ferals have “medium st tps”. Did you even play TBC? Is this what you’ve gleaned from reading old EJ forum posts on the wayback machine? Are you an old school Kungen fanboy? Do you need medical assistance?

I agree that warriors are a better tank for some fights, but overall they’re going to be owned in the face by ferals and prot pallies. It doesn’t do anyone any good to lie to ourselves. Play prot warrior if you want, they’re great tanks but you need to know what you’re getting into and what the meta is going to be.

You do realize warriors can reach expertise hard cap in sunwell while druids cannot. Druids also have always had less tps than a warrior. Shield slam is the godliest ability in the game.

Druids cannot parry and dodge suffers severe DR.
Crushing blows exist outside of sunwell, sunwell uses 2 warriors a druid trash tank and a paladin trash tank in almost every basic comp. Can you guess who tanks bosses?

Prot Paladins have to wear tps gear to hold aggro from good dps st and aoe. Items like icon of the silver crescent and sp rings. This means they lack avoidance and hp. A average hp pool of a paladin in t6 is 18k buffed. Warriors exceeding 20k in t5 gear. Paladins lack in base block, parry and dodge, aside from holy shield they are paper.

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Eh, sort of.

They start off generally weaker than most other DPS specs, but an Arms Warrior is mandatory because there’s two Warrior shouts and tanks need both, as well as the physical damage taken debuff they provide, which buffs the best DPS in the game: BM Hunter. Also, Rogues scale really well, especially once you’ve cleared BT and give them glaives, becoming the best DPS on some fights (see: KJ).

You don’t use Improved Expose Armor. This prevents the Protection Warrior from being able to use Devastate at full effectiveness.

Also, all this aside, the reason “meme specs” as a concept exists is because they don’t serve any benefit. Ret Paladins are a meme spec in Classic because they don’t actually bring anything useful to the raid. They’re the worst DPS spec in the game, and nothing they bring makes up for that.

In Classic, Balance Druids are much the same. You only need one Druid, and the spec doesn’t really matter. Feral is the best spec of the three, Resto is okay, but Balance is the easiest and most likely to actually give the raid any value (because you literally just have to stand around in the correct form and Faerie Fire everything). However, in TBC, their crit aura is buffed, they gain an amazing debuff, and their DPS is increased to actually be worth bringing (when combined with their crit aura).

Warrior is not a spec. Rogue is not a spec. FURY is a spec, and it will be a meme spec because it is terrible in TBC, only able to compete once they’re given glaives, and even then, it’d be better to give them to a Rogue.

Nah, all the FotM rerollers will just swap to BM Hunter or DS/Ruin Warlock and play the latest most OP spec for the patch. These people don’t have any loyalty to Rogue or Warrior in particular. They just play what’s good.

Expect all the same kinds of comments to be coming from green and purple class soon.


I don’t dispute that prot warriors will be the goto tanks for early tiers. My argument is that druids will achieve parity and eventually surpass warriors in many respects in T6.

Paladins have their own problems and challenges, but I think they’ll really be integral to the speed run meta, and they’re capable of stupid feats and tricks that the other tanks just can’t pull off.

In all honesty, I think a raid should have all 3 types of tank. It’s just that warriors will not be dominant or the de facto tank as they are now. TBC raids are also not going to be stacking warriors and rogues, so people should be preparing for that adjustment earlier rather than later unless they want to be in for a nasty surprise.

cool story, all the daggers for me then


It’s probably gonna happen one way or another. BUT, raid teams are going to be split into 2 (25mans) and have 4 (10mans) minimum for current raid roasters. So it’s not like it’ll be completely bad from an observation standpoint. Look at some streamer guilds, they have what, 2-3 raid teams? Those guilds will manage to have multiple raid teams for TBC, where it wont matter.

That’s the spirit raremob. All the daggers and glaives to you then.

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Can warriors use Devastate if the target has IEA on it? Even if it is better, that might be a dealbreaker.

Lionheart with sword spec isn’t better for PvE dps than a mace? That’s opposite from everything I’ve seen.

No, which means it will never be used. Improved Expose Armor is more armor reduction, but it’s not worth gimping your MT.

Swordsmith is better for PvE, quite considerably so.

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LOL. Favorite comment on this thread!

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This thread reeks of salt by a uninformed player posting on a lowbie


Says the guy claiming prot warriors have the highest threat and that ferals only have middle of the road avoidance late game. There’s going to be a prot warrior in your raid, but he’s definitely not going to be the dominant tank, especially in T6.

There’s also the fact that ferals can actually DPS while prot warriors are potatoes to consider.

Claiming that prot warriors are going to be threat gods due to shield slam, etc is just setting up today’s fury-prots for a bad time. Go prot warrior if you want, but realize that there’s limited raid spots, and that the prot pallies are going to be pulling off moves that the warriors and ferals can only dream of.

I’ve raided tbc , I re-raided tbc twice more, I’ve cleared all content at a high level. I know tbc in,out, all around.

What do you know? You make claims, you make flavor of the month meme posts, tell me what makes you think these things. Are you trying to be trendy or do you have facts. Tell me these “facts”.

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I didn’t know Rogues were bad lol

They are great carebearing it up and making with the stabby. I’m talking about pvp and you will love being a rogue in BC.