Warrior Tanking

Omg this. Rage pool.

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Not doing that and using heroic strike probably causes more problems than anything for newer tanks.

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I quit tanking a month ago because very few people understand these old agro mechanics.

In the pugs I’ve been in since as heals, Tanks still very much seem overworked. Takes 150% effort just to keep everyone else’s ignorance from wiping the party.

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Which goes completely out the window if dps don’t feel like it.

Yup, and those people are typically the ones who whine that they cannot find tanks.

There’s a quote from the guide that I particularly like, regarding that:

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Of course. But unless the healer does the same and lets them die, they end up panic healing, drawing healing aggro, running out of mana and the group wipes.

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At the end of the day, i purposely dont use any “dump” abilities if i know i have aggro. I keep the rage. That being said its getting harder and harder because my guild raids and i have no interest in doing so.

Totally wrong. Arms tanking 31/5/15 was the most common warrior tanking spec in vanilla. It’s still perfectly viable although a Fury spec like 0/21/20 seems to be the preferred spec for a lot of people these days.

As to the OP yeah at low levels especially the first couple of instances you are going to be rage starved and have a hard time controlling mobs without CC. If the group doesn’t want to use CC control what you can and hope your DPS knows how to deal with the ones they pull.

For single target TPS, whether they know that or not :wink:


My first live strat marking mobs went great. Everyone listened, did two runs.

My next run was…fine…but I remember the rogue in particular seemed to think the marks were just for show.

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Again, thanks for all of the advice and links.

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OP i am gonna be tanking deadmines too soon, i have been tank on retail but vanilla will be a new experience. I too was wandering about how to generate enough rage.

Thanks all for the advice :slight_smile:


Just ran Deadmines again and the difference was unbelievable. Removing Heroic Strike alone was worth its weight in gold. And the battle shout thing really works.

Guys, thank you so much.

Khazzon, Dwarf of Ironforge


Please do listen to this. You must tank with a 2 handed to get rage and you must spec arms while leveling. That’s the only way I can get enough rage. I have macros to swap to sword and board and I have macros for all my attacks to switch to the correct stance so I can mocking blow from defensive stance if taint gets resisted or taunt from berserker stance.

I have switch to defensive or battle stance bound to shift mousewheel up and down so after I do a move I can switch into either as needed since you can’t so 2 stance changes reliably with a macro

So don’t listen to the bad healer. The key is communication with your healer and watching his mana

And adapt. If a pull goes south swap in sword and board and go defensive. As soon as it starts clearing go back to battle and 2 hander

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If a rogue is using expose armor, it’s because you aren’t using sunder.

Spec arms, use a shield and one hander. Tab sunder, revenge when it pops. Taunt as needed. If you’re doing all that, and the mobs are still running wild it’s a DPS issue usually. As others have said, don’t use HS unless you’re nearing 100 rage and need to dump it.

Reason for going arms is you want tactical mastery and my personal experience is that arms is superior for leveling.

I’d use a shield because it is a decent amount of mitigation and because you’ll proc revenge. Wear dps gear. I’d prioritize agi at lower levels. However, if you get your whirlwind axe at level 30 you can try that out since it’s so overpowered at that level.

Warrior tanking in pugs, especially at lower levels, just sucks. It’s the price you pay for having a 60 warrior someday.

You can’t tank without rage and if you spec full prot you won’t have the tools to get rage. Take talents that will help you get rage and wear a shield in the tougher battles. You’ll be a better tank than people who go full prot and are rage-starved.

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Please learn to warrior before giving other people advice and teaching them wrong. And learn to use macros. Stance dancing can be almost fully automated.

That’s because deep prot spec was terrible until the warrior talent review, and pretty mediocre until the shield slam buffs in 1.10.

(Also, the thing that the quoted post was really objecting to was the “use a 2hander” bit.)

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