Warrior Tanking

I tanked Deadmines on my 21 or 22, cannot remember, warrior the other day and I was very disappointed. Mobs were running everywhere, I was rage starved the whole time and my taunt stayed on cool down.

The run succeeded with only a couple of deaths and we avoided one wipe only because of the magic reset wheel on the ship.

Does it get better? I felt like was playing whack-a-mole without the mallet!


Yes. Just remember to never spec prot unless you are tanking a 20 or 40 man raid. Fury and Arms are better for tanking dungeons, and don’t be afraid to use a 2hander if your healer can keep up, especially at 36.


Please do not listen to this.

  • A healer.

Why? If the healer can handle it, a 2hander is amazing for threat generation, but ONLY if the healer can handle it. I’m not saying to constantly use a 2hander. Lazy healer spotted.


Little more info:

Dwarf warrior, using 2.3 speed 1h axe and shield speccd fury.

Player who doesnt understand the difference between tanking and dpsing spotted.


Tanking in classic is all about threat generation. You would know this if you played a warrior.


For dungeons being run the way dps insist on acting, druid tanks > warriors. It is not a deficiency with the tanks as much as inability of (most) dps to allow tanks to what they need to do threat and rage wise.


You get good threat generation through fury talents, especially with enrage and unbridled wrath. Try using 1.5-2.0 speed axes, your rage gain will be smoother. When you get berserker rage it’s a great rage generation tool.


This x1000000

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Oh, I did finally get the rogues to both stop using expose armor.

My druid just hit 19 this morning and am anxious to try him out. I have finally decided my alt problems are that is just have to tank and that is that. Best part of the game for me.

I was just disappointed in how the warrior behaved in my first dungeon run. My 31 paladin even did better, but it has been a while since I tanked on him to remember.

Will try the druid and see how that goes. But still, want to play the master race of dwarf and cannot be a dwarf doodad.

Warrior gets much better later on, especially fury specced but rage generation at the start of a pull is terrible until you get berserker rage.


Thanks for the tips, everyone. We’ll see how it goes!

Bad healer spotted.
Stay on retail thx.


Is a 2h sword better than a mace or axe as the swords are generally faster for smoother rage generation?

Best advice I can offer you, take heroic strike off your bars until you are in pre-raid BIS and in a raid, and being alliance you might hit it a few times a fight when getting hit by a boss when you are getting close to 75 rage.

Revenge > Sunder because you will be rage starved, click off any Power word shields that may be put on you, unless you are literally about to die and it is to save you until a heal lands.

If you are very rage starved and are full health, sit down once and get some rage to be able to hit targets. While leveling I found that 4 mobs at the same time gave me enough rage to be able to tank all the mobs easily and spread the threat out with marked targets you should be able to stay ahead of the DPS. 3 was decent rage. 2 or 1 was harder to tank due to the lack of incoming damage based on your rage from being hit.

I tanked all the way to 60 as fury with a 1h and shield and people complemented me on my tanking, I made many friends along the way and constantly got dungeon invites from them.

The biggest issue is that you will probably have a ret paladin or a feral druid in DPS gear healing you many times while leveling and they will whine about not having enough mana to heal you, while you tank enough mobs to get rage, that is their fault and poor play on their end, they should have a full healing set if they plan to heal.
Another thing I would do was I would get a few stacks of water from mages and shove them into the inventory of the healer that “forgot water” and is trying to get by without water and will complain about you “taking too much damage”


All of them are fine. Just keep in mind you want to swap to a shield if incoming damage is too great. Most of the time you want to use a shield, but there are times where a 2hander is fine. Especially against most caster mobs, or if you can burn sweeping strikes quickly and go right back to a shield. Also Revir has great advice; avoid Heroic Strike unless you are at like 70 rage or higher. It’s just not worth the rage most of the time.


Interesting. I was spamming heroic strike. Perhaps I will give Deadmines another go.

Thanks all

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Heroic strike is very misleading because it eats up your next autoattack that will generate rage. Sunder and revenge are your bread and butter when low on rage.


the irony lmao