Ive played a single character since SoD came out and looking to make an alt. What’s the most desired class/spec between Warrior, Shaman Druid or Warlock? I see tons of groups wanting a resto Druid, but I already have a healer. I want something I can DPS/tank with…but also farm stuff (Hunter would have been the obvious choice, but they are a dime a dozen). So I’m stuck…thoughts?
Warlock w/ Haunt is super faceroll to level.
Shaman is probably a safe bet for now, same with druid.
Not so much worried about the leveling part considering I take my time with the characters, it’s more the end goals what’s going to be the most wanted, not so much the easiest to level.
Stealth runs are fun.
Druid, people love wild strikes.
So would a druid boomie, or feral be the most wanted? Isn’t the druid market oversaturated right now?
Feral. Boomies atm just aren’t great and wild strikes is something every melee wants in their group. We’ll see in P2 since Horde at least will have windfury so wild strikes might lose some benefit.
Feral, boomy shouldnt be using wild strikes. Yes there are tons of them. If youre worried about that though, stay away from leather and even mail wearers in this phase as you will be competing for gear regardless.
Locks are also a plenty so if playing a class that has somewhat less representation CURRENTLY id go shaman or warrior. Just note, its gonna be harder to find a group as DPS if you play enhance. People expect you to tank.
Hunter with BM rune is the most faceroll class.
My pet literally solos mobs. I can just stand and watch.
My pet tanked a WC yesterday (easily).
Not so much worried about face rolling. I just want an all around in demand class, that will still be viable in later phases.
Hunter is one of the best PVP classes and best PVE classes LOL.
Can’t get more all around.
I mean it’s quick levelling, make a hunter, if you don’t like it, then make a warlock
Any Class that can Tank or Heal.
Safe bet for shaman? Idk how you’re judging that. Looking at how the classes play out at 60, warrior for raiding and warlock for pvp. I’m sure more runes are coming, but I think the amount of work required to bring shaman up to par with the other classes at 60 is going to be higher than the other classes. I also think there’s a higher likelihood the devs just miss the mark (as in, not fully understanding what the class is, how it works, what players like about it, and its shortcomings) with shaman at 60. I’m basing this off of past experience with the class, and looking at how the devs viewed the class then and now.
Right now they’re great tanks and I can see that continuing going forward. Elemental is clearly right now missing some pieces of kit but should be pretty strong with a few more rune slots and same with resto. I have no opinions on enhance, but 1 currently strong and 2 potentially strong specs seems safe to me.
Naw, shaman tanks and healers will be the best in the game. I can’t even imagine the raw output of a 50% overload 8 peice t1 shaman. Dps is a wash, ele prob gets wrath totem so it’s wanted and enhance prob gets a super windfury. Top dps?? Ehh who knows but you can’t give a class dw, a bloodthirst, 10% hit and not have it eventually pop off.
Druid is more flexible than ever. I main one and with just a gear set swap I can fill any role (though off tanking better than MT to be honest) the group/raid needs. Sure later in games the expectation to specialize is real, but right now, I am loving it.
Can farm herbs in places I don’t belong too.
Most wanted? Shaman tank and Resto druid
Eh… when you get the dot version of life drain that’s when it becomes easy to level, before that it’s very mediocre.