Warrior, Shaman, Druid, Warlock

Then you’re not using Haunt correctly because it’s a good chunk of damage to regular enemies and a considerable heal when it ends/refreshes/mob dies. High Uptime.


I never said it wasn’t, doesn’t change what I said and I stand by what I said.

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The next phase is coming soon, so who will know for sure, but one this is curtain. Warriors get their WW axe.

You said Lock leveling prior to getting Life Drain was Very Mediocre. Haunt is the first rune Locks will get and is a game changer like I described and the absolute opposite of Very Mediocre.

Did I stutter or something? It’s a good spell, but yes… leveling is pretty mediocre til drain dot. If the voidwalker actually held aggro, we’d agree.

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Don’t need to worry about the VW holding Aggro when Haunt and Dots are murdering things fast.

Dude, you have your opinion and I have mine and we don’t agree and probably never will.

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Lock is one of the easiest classes to lvl. You can have your opinion but try lvling warrior or even rogue, then come back to lock and see they have it good compared to most classes. You can take 2-3 at a time much easier than the majority of classes can right from the getgo. Its one thing to be stubborn but lock lvling is objectively anything but mediocre.

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That is your opinion.

I don’t think it’s hard or easy, it’s just mediocre, more boring than anything. “dot dot wand afk eat/drink if needed”

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Its not really my opinion though, comparing it to other classea but think what you want.

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Well, then you don’t know what opinions are.

It is 100% your opinion.

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Lol ok bro whatever you say. Lock is one of the easier classes to lvl. I dont need to know what an opinion even is since its a fact. Lock may not be for you but that doesnt make the lvling mediocre. You must have worded it poorly then. Would read better as " i find lvling as a lock boring" because objectively they are good lvlers, thats not an opinion. Any experienced lvler would tellnyou the same thing. Cheers.

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Yep, you’re entitled to your opinion.

Clearly you don’t know what a fact or opinion is.

:troll:/10, do better.


Yea youre too dense to understand. All good. Moving on.

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Goodbye :troll: :wave:

Enjoy the L.


How can i enjoy something of which i have not received? Must be still in the mail.

You can act all high and mighty as much as you like but the facts remain. Later kid. Hold my W. Lmfao

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“Moving on”

Yet here you are in your feelings, still yapping… take the L with grace and take your advice… “move on”


Lol the hypocrasy ia real. You are so triggered. Why dont you be the “bigger man” and move on then? Lol because you arent saying anything more worthwhile than i am while also being incredibly condescending yet im the one whos being immature? Time for some self reflection bud.

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So, you’re triggered because our opinions differ… if that’s not the essence of immaturity, like imagine being so upset over someone’s opinion? It’s so weird. Plus, why would I move on, I got until 7:30 then I go home. Plus you are the one that keeps talking about moving on… yet you don’t, my guess is because you’re behind that keyboard crying and screaming, using a bunch of ignorant names… all because, I don’t agree with you? :rofl:


Lmao yupp im crying so hard, you got me. Whatever will i do /s. Yea im moving on because the hypocrisy from you is getting tiresome. Your profile is hidden and i dont know how to ignore so im just muting these threads. Later

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