Warrior, Rogue, or Death Knight? Sell me your class

So I’ve been really indecisive about picking a class to main and I’d appreciate some advice.

My three contenders are Rogue, Warrior, and Death Knight.

Rogue: I like this class because I enjoy the class fantasy and its play style. The only concerns I have are that they are regarded weak in lore and might not have the flashiest abilities and mogs(not sure cus I don’t have mine at max level)

Warrior: Solid class. Only concerns are that Fury is kind of easy to play and the class fantasy is a bit…bland? Not sure on this one. Sell me the warrior fantasy.

Death Knight: Great class fantasy but I heard the gameplay is kind of slow and boring. I also don’t sit well with it being a hero class and all. Are they regarded differently from other classes since they start at a higher level?

Any debunking of my concerns are appreciated since I’m not very well versed at this game. Someone help? I guess what I’m trying to say is: Sell me your class

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From what you have written here I think you should go with DK.

Being a hero class only means you start at a higher level. Nothing more.

Personally, I don’t enjoy playing rogues or warriors. I mained a warrior for a few years. Worked a lot towards getting The Insane title. And I regret it. Because I don’t like playing him anymore and will have to get all of those reps on my new main. :cry:

The answer is neither, paladins for life!

I’ve got hands on experience with rogues and death knights

The best thing about rogues are stealth, it’s just one of those game changing abilities that is extremely fun to play with once you know how to do it
They offer a lot of freedom a lot of classes don’t have and have simple rotations yet a high amount of complexity when trying to play for peek performance.
Lore wise they might not seem that powerful which makes sense because if you can’t name a powerful rogue they’ve more than likely done a good job at staying in the shadows

Death knights on the other hand are super powerful in lore
They have the option to tank which is always nice
Most my experience is with unholy and if you like summoning armies of undead then that might be up your ally
They do seem to be the masters of 1000 cuts as most their damage is pretty small but there is a lot of it


Which do you feel better or have more fun playing as? I know frost is being hurt by the breath build but outside of current meta, which playstyle engages you personally?


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mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rogue.

Demon hunter

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Lmao why all the rogue plugging? Just a meme or is it genuinely a superior class compared to the others.

Go DK if you can get past it being a hero class. It’s been in game for so long, it just feels like a standard class to me—unlike DH. Frost is a ton of fun, can’t get into unholy. No matter which of the 3 specs you pick, your gear and weapons will look great. Plus, in Shadowlands, they start low like the rest.

Otherwise, go rogue. Sounds like class fantasy is important to you. I agree that warrior class fantasy is bland.

Yeah, trying to decide between DK and Rogue now. Whichever one it comes down to, I’ll keep the other as an alt probably. Do you main one of them?

One of my mains is a frost DK—this was my classic main. Outside of classic, I’m not a huge fan of rogues. I don’t love being locked to a target with combo points…or combo points at all really. Also, prefer to be able to charge in to combat, rather than sneak up and avoid getting hit.

Frost DK, I find to be fast, fun, and incredibly satisfying. Huge AoE, good single target. The downside is it takes a moment to ramp up DPS thanks to short CDs on the GCD/DoTs. But it’s strong in PvP/PvE. Those who don’t enjoy frost seem to like unholy a lot—both worth checking out imo! :stuck_out_tongue:

Slish slash other DPS are trash.

Of the three, I would go with Rogue.

Stealth is really, really fantastic. Poisons do well if you are Assass. I don’t really play Combat any more, at least not much, can’t stand roll the bones, and the grapple hook just isn’t “Rogue” for me. And I don’t like Survival. Playing an Assassin is pretty fun though.

Warrior, I play Fury, and it does well, but I find it somewhat boring. Not sure how it will feel in SL. I sort of just spam 3 to 4 buttons with a few others now and then.

DK, this Frost DK is pretty much retired, I just don’t enjoy playing her any longer. Boring would be the word I guess, not sure. Anyway, I am playing my Unholy DK, but I find I’m not really into the raise the dead, bit all that much. She does very well, and I will be taking her into SL, but I guess I just don’t really “Identify” with Unholy, I prefered Frost.

So, for me personally, Rogue. I’m currently getting my Rogue geared up for SL.

From what you wrote, I would recommend a Rogue while avoiding Outlaw spec at all cost, and go Assassination as my personal recommendation. We feel the same about DKs but a Warrior can definitely be worth your while. Especially if you are new to the game or xpac. You can do alot, especially if you alternate between 2 specs whether it be to tank or do pvp. My personal favorite of your 3, the Rogue, I have played it since vanilla and I still play it today. What differentiates the rogue from the other two primarily for me is how much Crowd Control (CC) we have and how fun that is to play in all aspects of the game except raiding I feel. I am not to worried about the lore, my rogue is undead, doesnt get much better than that. The play style varies between all 3 specs, although I must admit I have not touched Outlaw (or as it used to be called Combat) in ages. The fantasy stuff is there with the sneaking in stealth and incapacitating your enemies while damaging them.
Will it be the shadows of subtlety or the poisons of assasination that are more suited for your deeds ;)?
Edit: after reading the rest of the comments, forget the DK, go rogue my dude, runes are worst than combo points XD. Alt the Warrior.
2nd Edit: Oh and specifically because you start at a higher lvl with the DK, I would NOT choose that class. Sounds like you might be trying to find your comfort zone in a class, starting at a higher lvl* is not the way to go. You’ll get there fast trust.

*3rd edit.

I’d rather not.
Keep your paladins, Mr. Brae.

Rogues get stealth. We can bypass almost everything we don’t want to encounter and we can vanish saving thousands upon thousands of gold in repair bills.

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